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桐鄉市DHL國際快遞網(wǎng)點(diǎn) 桐鄉市DHL快遞公司

DHL: 國際快遞
國際空運: 全球送達
上門(mén)取件: 免費包裝
單價(jià): 29.00元/千克
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 安徽 合肥
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-20 09:45
最后更新: 2024-02-27 14:37
瀏覽次數: 103


DHL國際快遞 敦豪(DHL)透過(guò)新增歐洲、中東及亞太區之間的3條全新空運速遞航線(xiàn),鞏固其全球跨境速遞業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域的市場(chǎng)領(lǐng)導地位。航線(xiàn)由敦豪快遞與德國漢莎貨運航空公司(Lufthansa Cargo AG,簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“漢莎貨運”)的合資企業(yè)AeroLogic空運公司負責提供,行政總裁區啟賢表示:歐洲、亞太區與東歐、中東及非洲地區的核心市場(chǎng)一直對貨物及文件速遞維持高需求,而全新航線(xiàn)將給予客戶(hù)更大的靈活性,需要時(shí)可提供額外的載貨量,在A(yíng)eroLogic引進(jìn)旗下第7架波音777F貨機后,敦豪快遞于上周一(18日)率先推出香港至萊比錫航線(xiàn)。憑借該新線(xiàn),可提供從香港至西方國家的明日速遞服務(wù)。此外,公司也與萊比錫——新加坡——新德里航線(xiàn)中新增曼谷中轉站,以提高此重要的東南亞市場(chǎng)為終點(diǎn)的航線(xiàn)之運送速度。而于10月12日正式投入營(yíng)運的布魯塞爾至巴林新航線(xiàn),不單加強萊比錫至巴林之間的連接性,更鞏固了敦豪快遞為滿(mǎn)足歐美市場(chǎng)與中東之間對貿易航線(xiàn)的高需求所提供的服務(wù)能力,敦豪快遞近期的投資均集中擴大核心貿易航線(xiàn)的網(wǎng)絡(luò ),與公司強化國際跨境速遞業(yè)務(wù)的策略一致。2010年上半年的貿易數據證明市場(chǎng)對該等航線(xiàn)的國際貨物速遞業(yè)務(wù)需求高漲,與此同時(shí),敦豪快遞的國際貨運量亦繼續按年錄得大幅度增長(cháng)。


DHL International Express (DHL) consolidates its market leadership in the global cross-border express business by adding three new air express routes between Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. The route is provided by AeroLogic Air Transport, a joint venture between DHL Express and Lufthansa Cargo AG (hereinafter referred to as "Lufthansa Cargo"). Chief Executiveu Qixian said that the core markets in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa always maintain a high demand for goods and document delivery, while the new route will give customers greater flexibility and provide additional cargo capacity when needed, After AeroLogic introduced its seventh Boeing 777F cargo plane, DHL Express took the lead in launching the route from Hong Kong to Leipzig on Monday (18th). With this new line, it can provide tomorrow's express service from Hong Kong to western countries. In addition, the company also added a new Bangkok transit station in the route from Leipzig to Singapore to New Delhi to improve the delivery speed of the route ending in this important Southeast Asian market. The new route from Brussels to Bahrain, which was officially put into operation on October 12, not only strengthens the connectivity between Leipzig and Bahrain, but also consolidates DHL's service capability to meet the high demand for trade routes between the European and American markets and the Middle East. DHL's recent investment has focused on expanding the network of core trade routes, consistent with the company's strategy of strengthening international cross-border express business. The trade data in the first half of 2010 proved that the market's demand for international cargo express services on such routes was high. At the same time, the international cargo volume of DHL Express also continued to record a significant increase year by year

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