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PC/ABS沙伯基礎PC/ABS C2800

品牌: 基礎創(chuàng )新塑料(美國)
型號: C2800
特性: 抗撞擊性,良好
單價(jià): 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 廣東 東莞
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-20 09:26
最后更新: 2023-12-20 09:26
瀏覽次數: 1267

PC/ABS沙伯基礎PC/ABS C2800----Non-chlorinated and non-brominated flame retardant PC+ABS offering balanced flow and impact properties for various applications.


PC/ABS作為世界上銷(xiāo)售量 大的商業(yè)化聚合物合金,近幾年都以10%左右的需求速度增長(cháng)。PC/ABS較之PC提高了流動(dòng)性,改善了加工性能,減少了制品對應力的敏感性,因而廣泛應用于汽車(chē)內飾,外飾,車(chē)燈等高強度,高耐熱零件。隨著(zhù)人們環(huán)保意識的提高,汽車(chē)行業(yè)ELV等環(huán)??苫厥辗ㄒ幍南嗬^出臺,原材料廠(chǎng)商也不斷提供新的解決方案。作為工程塑料行業(yè)的者適時(shí)的推出了新一代PC/ABS合金系列材料,它主要包括了耐水解穩定性的PC/ABS,用于免噴涂?jì)蕊椀某凸鉂蒔C/ABS,耐化學(xué)品優(yōu)異不易被油漆等侵蝕的耐化學(xué)溶劑PC/ABS等系列產(chǎn)品。

As the largest commercial polymer alloy in the world, PC / ABS has increased at a demand rate of about 10% in recent years. Compared with PC, PC / ABS improves the fluidity, processing performance and reduces the sensitivity of products to stress. Therefore, it is widely used in high-strength and heat-resistant parts such as automobile interior, exterior decoration and lamps. With the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, ELV and other environmental recyclable laws and regulations in the automotive industry have been issued one after another, and raw material manufacturers continue to provide new solutions. As a leader in the engineering plastics industry, it timely launched a new generation of PC / ABS alloy series materials, which mainly includes PC / ABS with hydrolysis stability, ultra-low gloss PC / ABS for spray free interior decoration, and chemical solvent resistant PC / ABS with excellent chemical resistance and not easy to be eroded by paint.

读书| 湘潭县| 巨野县| 卢湾区| 丰原市| 襄汾县| 杭州市| 衡南县| 惠州市| 郓城县| 富裕县| 行唐县| 剑川县| 仁化县| 新河县| 扶风县| 六安市| 象州县| 红原县| 景泰县| 长宁区| 盱眙县| 任丘市| 延边| 海淀区| 海口市| 抚宁县| 庆云县| 石林| 铁岭市| 通许县| 信宜市| 定结县| 乐都县| 肃南| 汉源县| 龙里县| 德庆县| 临城县| 广丰县| 五指山市|