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鵬潤大廈 - 租賃中心

單價(jià): 6.00元/m2/天
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 直轄市 北京
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-19 10:46
最后更新: 2023-12-19 10:46
瀏覽次數: 112


鵬潤大廈位于燕莎商圈核心地帶,位于朝陽(yáng)區霄云路,北街接機場(chǎng)輔路、南接第三使館區(美、日、韓等國使館),西臨東三環(huán),東部是京潤水上花園別墅群。交通便利,駕車(chē)15分鐘直達首都國際機場(chǎng)。鵬潤大廈占地176000平方米,地上32層,地下3層,總建筑面積200000平方米??晒┻x擇面積為200——7200平米。大廈以甲級寫(xiě)字樓為主,超五星級酒店相輔的綜合性涉外物業(yè)項目。大廈超五星級的豪華酒店由國際室內設計公司HBA(美國)公司主持設計,結合超的服務(wù)和完善的娛樂(lè )配套設施,會(huì )使您得到至高無(wú)上的享受。地利之優(yōu) 先機在握鵬潤大廈位于燕莎商圈核心地帶,位于朝陽(yáng)區霄云路,北街接機場(chǎng)輔路、南接第三使館區(美、日、韓等國使館),西臨東三環(huán),東部是京潤水上花園別墅群。交通便利,駕車(chē)15分鐘直達首都國際機場(chǎng)。豪華大堂,美倫美奐寫(xiě)字樓大堂,凈高10米,豪華氣派。天然花崗巖貼面,明亮怡人。成就科技 智能鵬潤大廈采用眾多技術(shù),完全實(shí)現了整座大廈一體化的樓宇、保安、消防、辦公和通訊五個(gè)自動(dòng)化(5A)管理鵬潤大廈提示您:由于牽涉樓盤(pán)價(jià)格的因素太多,如租賃年限,面積大小,樓層高低,公司品質(zhì)等因素都會(huì )影響價(jià)格的變化,因此本網(wǎng)站上所列價(jià)格為均價(jià)或歷史成交價(jià),如需了解具體價(jià)格還望來(lái)電垂詢(xún)選址客服。


Pengrun Building is located in the core area of Yansha Business District, located on Xiaoyun Road in Chaoyang District. The North Street is connected to Airport Auxiliary Road, the South is connected to the Third Embassy Area (embassies of the United States, Japan, South Korea, and other countries), the West is adjacent to the East Third Ring Road, and the East is the Jingrun Water Garden Villa Group. Convenient transportation, 15 minute direct drive to Capital International Airport. Pengrun Building covers an area of 176000 square meters, with 32 floors above ground and 3 floors underground, with a total construction area of 200000 square meters. The available area is square meters. The building is a comprehensive foreign-related property project mainly consisting of Grade A office buildings and supplemented by super five-star hotels. The super five-star luxury hotel in the building is designed by HBA (USA), an internationally renowned interior design company. Combining top-notch services and complete entertainment facilities, it will provide you with supreme enjoyment. The priority aircraft of the location is located in the core area of Yansha Business District, located on Xiaoyun Road in Chaoyang District. The North Street is connected to Airport Auxiliary Road, the South is connected to the Third Embassy Area (embassies of the United States, Japan, South Korea, and other countries), the West is adjacent to the East Third Ring Road, and the East is the Jingrun Water Garden Villa Group. Convenient transportation, 15 minute direct drive to Capital International Airport. Luxury lobby, magnificent office building lobby, with a net height of 10 meters, exuding a luxurious atmosphere. High grade natural granite veneer, bright and pleasant. Achievement Technology Intelligent Pengrun Building adopts numerous technologies and fully realizes the integration of five automation (5A) management systems: building, security, fire protection, office, and communication. Pengrun Building reminds you that due to the many factors involved in the price of the property, such as lease term, size, floor height, and company , price changes can be affected. Therefore, the prices listed on this website are average or historical transaction prices, If you need to know the specific price, please call customer service for location selection.



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