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外交辦公大樓 - 租賃中心

單價(jià): 7.00元/m2/天
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 直轄市 北京
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-19 03:25
最后更新: 2023-12-19 03:25
瀏覽次數: 105


外交辦公大樓位于北京燕莎CBD商圈的第三使館區中心。這里是北京商業(yè)和外交領(lǐng)域的中心,目前已有超過(guò)18個(gè)國家大使館以此為駐地,所以這里也就理所當然地成為了跨國外企的辦公空間。在第三使館區內還有很多來(lái)自金融、電子通信、高科技、跨國物流、律師、汽車(chē)等不同領(lǐng)域的跨國公司和國內企業(yè),他們紛紛在此設立中國總部或地區總部。除了繁多外交使館和商務(wù)企業(yè),在亮馬橋外交辦公大樓附近還有很多便民設施,例如:威斯汀五星級大酒店、凱賓斯基五星級大酒店、希爾頓五星級大酒店、金融服務(wù)機構等。  另外,這里的交通也非常便利,有多路公交車(chē)經(jīng)過(guò),更可通過(guò)短距離步行到地鐵10號線(xiàn)的農業(yè)展覽館站或者地鐵2號線(xiàn)的東直門(mén)站。從這里開(kāi)車(chē)到北京火車(chē)站只需15分鐘,如果要到北京首都國際機場(chǎng)也僅需25分鐘的車(chē)程。  北京亮馬橋外交辦公大樓為北京本地、國內以及海外公司提供辦公解決方案,并以合理的價(jià)格為各公司提供周到的綜合服務(wù)、齊全的辦公設備、靈活的辦公空間?,F在就與我們聯(lián)系了解詳細解決方案吧。


The Diplomatic Office Building is located in the center of the Third Embassy District in the Yansha CBD commercial district of Beijing. This is the center of Beijing's commercial and diplomatic fields, with over 18 embassies based here, making it a natural office space for multinational foreign enterprises. There are also many multinational companies and well-known domestic enterprises from various fields such as finance, electronic communication, high-tech, cross-border logistics, lawyers, automobiles, etc. in the Third Embassy Area, who have set up their Chinese head or regional head here. In addition to numerous diplomatic embassies and business enterprises, there are also many convenient facilities near the Liangma Bridge Diplomatic Office Building, such as Westin Five Star Hotel, Kempinski Five Star Hotel, Hilton Five Star Hotel, financial service institutions, etc. In addition, the transportation here is also very convenient, with multiple buses passing by. You can also walk a short distance to the Agricultural Exhibition Hall Station on Metro Line 10 or the Dongzhimen Station on Metro Line 2. It's only a 15 minute drive from here to Beijing Railway Station, and it's also a 25 minute drive to Beijing Capital International Airport. The Beijingiao Diplomatic Office Building provides office solutions for local, domestic, and overseas companies in Beijing, and provides the most comprehensive services, complete office e, and flexible office space at the most reasonable price for each company. Contact us now for a detailed solution.



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