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單價(jià): 6.00元/m2/天
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 直轄市 北京
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-18 10:26
最后更新: 2023-12-18 10:26
瀏覽次數: 138


佳隆國際大廈位于東三環(huán)長(cháng)虹橋以東,朝陽(yáng)公園西側,總建筑面積為54732平方米 建筑占地面積為5975平方米。位于CBD、燕莎商圈的交匯處,緊鄰亞洲大城市公園—朝陽(yáng)公園??偨ㄖ訑禐榈厣?2層,地下3層,總高度為88米,成為該區域的地標性建筑。10.7米的挑空大堂配以柔和的米黃色石材體現出了豪華大氣的整體建筑風(fēng)格,成為了整個(gè)建筑內在的亮點(diǎn)。大廈整體設計理念始終貫穿了節能的理念,建筑外立面為玻璃幕墻和石材,所有窗戶(hù)均為可開(kāi)啟式,更加便于新鮮空氣的順暢流淌,成為一座“會(huì )呼吸的OFFICE”。銀行、餐飲、健身、SPR、咖啡、員工餐廳等周全配套為大廈整體品質(zhì)增光添色。的物業(yè)管理公司秉承著(zhù)“服務(wù)無(wú)止盡”的服務(wù)理念,為整個(gè)大廈提供酒店及管家式的全方位服務(wù)。業(yè)內有著(zhù)良好的口碑的銷(xiāo)售團隊,為來(lái)訪(fǎng)客戶(hù)提供的樓盤(pán)講解及租賃建議,使客戶(hù)能夠同樣體會(huì )到賓至如歸的感覺(jué)。佳隆集團以創(chuàng )始之初的“佳于景,隆于商”的公司經(jīng)營(yíng)理念,在當前經(jīng)濟形式下依然以傲然身姿矗立的房地產(chǎn)開(kāi)發(fā)商必將傾力把佳隆國際大廈打造成綠色辦公的建筑,寫(xiě)字樓行業(yè)的翹楚!


Jialong International Building is located east of Changhong Bridge on the East Third Ring Road and west of Chaoyang Park, with a total construction area of 54732 square meters and a total construction area of 5975 square meters. Located at the intersection of CBD and Yansha Business District, adjacent to the largest urban park in Asia - Chaoyang Park. The total number of floors of the building is 22 above ground and 3 underground, with a total height of 88 meters, making it a landmark building in the area. The 10.7-meter-long lobby, paired with soft beige high-end stone, reflects the luxurious and atmospheric overall architectural style, becoming an inherent highlight of the entire building. The overall design concept of the building has always been integrated with the concept of energy conservation. The exterior facade of the building is made of glass curtain walls and high-end stone, and all windows are openable, making it easier for fresh air to flow smoothly, becoming a "breathing office". The comprehensive supporting facilities such as banks, high-end catering, fitness, SPR, coffee, and employee restaurants add luster to the overall of the building. Excellent property management companies adhere to the service concept of "endless service", providing comprehensive hotel and butler style services for the entire building. A professional sales team with a good reputation in the industry provides professional explanations and rental suggestions for visiting customers, allowing them to feel at home as well. Jialong Group, with the company's business philosophy of "being better than the scenery and better than the business" at its inception, is committed to building Jialong International Building into a green office model and a leader in the office building industry, as an outstanding real estate developer who still stands proudly in the current economic situation!



揭西县| 仪陇县| 沁阳市| 韶关市| 苍梧县| 博爱县| 象山县| 和龙市| 大石桥市| 万山特区| 庆安县| 聂拉木县| 克什克腾旗| 家居| 门源| 绿春县| 墨竹工卡县| 乌兰县| 仁布县| 洞口县| 奈曼旗| 印江| 宜丰县| 亚东县| 右玉县| 六安市| 巧家县| 东海县| 沅江市| 治多县| 五家渠市| 五常市| 柞水县| 五指山市| 阿瓦提县| 洪雅县| 芜湖县| 类乌齐县| 汤原县| 孙吴县| 秭归县|