金年会 金字招牌诚信至上,金年会 金字招牌诚信至上,金年会 金字招牌诚信至上,金年会 金字招牌诚信至上


單價(jià): 5.00元/m2/天
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 直轄市 北京
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-18 10:15
最后更新: 2023-12-18 10:15
瀏覽次數: 118


網(wǎng)信大廈位于燕莎核心,霄云路上,毗鄰第三使館區,承襲歷史悠久,涉外氛圍濃郁的國際人文環(huán)境??偨ㄖ娣e約5.8萬(wàn)平方米,A棟寫(xiě)字樓,地下3層,地上19層.B棟寫(xiě)字樓,地下3層,地上16層,首層層高9米,標準層層高4.9-6.1米。其中地上1-3層為商業(yè),總計20套;4-16層為寫(xiě)字樓,地上建筑面積18365平米,地下部分建筑面積17424.17平米。是中冶置業(yè)集團在京全新扛鼎鉅作。于燕莎第三使館核心,霄云路之上,再筑城市新地標。作為區域在售商務(wù),必將引領(lǐng)京東商務(wù)格局變遷的新風(fēng)向。網(wǎng)信大廈緊臨以美國大使館為首的第三使館區,未來(lái)這里將匯聚39余個(gè)駐華大使館,形成北京國際氛圍濃郁、涉外人文的環(huán)境,凸顯強烈的涉外商務(wù)氛圍。毗鄰燕莎友誼商城、希爾頓酒店、凱賓斯基酒店、昆侖、長(cháng)城等高端物業(yè)。9米高奢裝商務(wù)大堂,造就多層次公共交流空間,非凡氣勢,全面升級企業(yè)形象。深色玻璃幕墻,淺色精選石材、輔以金屬,呈現出黑與白的強烈對比,輝映霄云路上燈火繁華?,F代時(shí)尚的藝術(shù)精神、氣質(zhì)非凡的國際商務(wù)姿態(tài),書(shū)寫(xiě)燕莎城市表情。鋼琴鍵盤(pán)般極富韻律感的豎向分割,如同流暢樂(lè )章,賦予網(wǎng)信大廈獨特的建筑魅力與精神力量。網(wǎng)信大廈稀缺之地精雕細琢約3000平米庭院式園林,數十種花木,營(yíng)造立體式生態(tài)環(huán)境。工作之余,林中涼亭小憩,喧囂之外的靜謐自然,為難得可貴。


The Cyberspace Building is located in the core of Yansha, on Xiaoyun Road, adjacent to the Third Embassy District, inheriting the international cultural environment with the longest history and the strongest foreign atmosphere. The total construction area is about 58000 square meters. Building A has 3 underground floors and 19 above ground floors. Building B has 3 underground floors and 16 above ground floors, with a first floor height of 9 meters and a standard floor height of 4.9-6.1 meters. Among them, the 1-3 floors above ground are commercial, totaling 20 sets; The 4th to 16th floors are office buildings, with an aboveground construction area of 18365 square meters and an underground construction area of 17424.17 square meters. It is a brand new masterpiece of MCC Real Estate Group in Beijing. Build a new urban landmark at the core of the Yansha Third Embassy on Xiaoyun Road. As a regional business for sale, it will inevitably lead a new trend in the transformation of JD's business landscape. The Cyberspace Building is adjacent to the Third Embassy Area led by the US Embassy. In the future, more than 39 embassies in China will gather here, forming the most international and cultural environment in Beijing, highlighting a strong foreign business atmosphere. Adjacent to high-end properties such as Yansha Friendship Mall, Hilton Hotel, Kempinski Hotel, Kunlun, Great Wall, etc. The 9-meter luxury business lobby creates a multi-level public communication space with extraordinary momentum and comprehensively upgrades the corporate image. A dark glass curtain wall, carefully selected light colored stone, complemented by metal, presents a strong contrast between black and white, reflecting the bustling lights on the Xiaoyun Road. The artistic spirit of modern fashion and the extraordinary international business posture depict the urban expression of Yansha. The highly rhythmic vertical segmentation of the piano keyboard, like a smooth movement, endows the Cyberspace Building with unique architectural charm and spiritual strength. The scarce area of the Cyberspace Building is meticulously crafted with a courtyard style garden of approximately 3000 square meters and dozens of flowers and trees, creating a three-dimensional ecological environment. In addition to work, taking a nap in the arbor in the forest, the tran and nature outside the hustle and bustle are the most precious.



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