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TEXTILE TOKYO-2024日本東京服裝面料輔料展

單價(jià): 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 直轄市 上海
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-16 06:31
最后更新: 2023-12-16 06:31
瀏覽次數: 113

2024日本國際服裝面料及輔料展覽會(huì )-TEXTILE TOKYO 2024

2024 Japan International Fashion Fabrics and Accessories Exhibition


展會(huì )時(shí)間:2024年04月17日-19日(春季)  2024年10月15日-17日(秋季)  

展會(huì )地點(diǎn):東京有明國際展覽中心(TOKYO BIG SIGHT)



展出面積:預計50000平方米,預計950家 Estimated 50,000 square meters, estimated 950


展會(huì )別稱(chēng):2024日本面料展,2024日本針織面料展,2024日本紡織面料展,2024日本印花面料展




In 2015, Japan was one of the top three apparel and apparel markets in the world with a total market value of 13,396 trillion yen. With the recovery of the Japanese economy, Japan’s total apparel imports increased by 20.3% in 2016 compared with the previous year, totaling 1,167 trillion yen, and this number is increasing rapidly every year, so it is now a prosperous Japanese market. The best time for the market.

2015年には、日本は世界でトップ3のアパレル?アパレル市場(chǎng)の1つであり、総市場(chǎng)価格は13,396兆円です。 日本経済の回復に伴い、日本の衣料品の輸入総額は2016年に20.3%増加して1,167兆円となり、毎年急速に増加しており、今や日本市場(chǎng)は繁栄しています。 市場(chǎng)にとって高の時(shí)間です。


日本買(mǎi)家傾向于一個(gè)長(cháng)遠并且穩定的合作伙伴關(guān)系。一旦貴公司與日本的買(mǎi)家開(kāi)始了合作,便會(huì )與日本買(mǎi)家建立穩定的合作關(guān)系。此外,日本非常講究口碑。而且口碑的流傳是快速并且潛移默化的,一旦貴公司在日本建立了良好的口碑,業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展便會(huì )如魚(yú)得水。

Japanese buyers tend to have a long-term and stable partnership. once your company has started working with buyers in Japan, it will establish a stable relationship with Japanese buyers. In addition, Japan is very particular about word of mouth. And the spread of word of mouth is fast and subtle. once your company has established a good reputation in Japan, business development will be like a duck.

日本のバイヤーは長(cháng)期的かつ安定したパートナーシップを持つ傾向があります。 あなたの會(huì )社が日本のバイヤーと作業(yè)を始めたら、日本のバイヤーとの安定した関係を確立します。 加えて、日本は口に非常に特化しています。 あなたの會(huì )社が日本で良い評判を確立したら、ビジネス開(kāi)発はアヒルのようになります。


東京是國際化大都市,也是世界著(zhù) 名的時(shí)尚之都,與米蘭、巴黎鼎足而三,其服裝行業(yè)地位不容小覷。作為亞洲服裝流行趨勢的“風(fēng)向標”,對于有志于進(jìn)軍日本市場(chǎng)的這個(gè)服裝面料企業(yè)來(lái)說(shuō),東京國際服裝面料輔料展覽會(huì )將是您進(jìn)入日本市場(chǎng)的時(shí)機。日本是世界發(fā)達國家,國內產(chǎn)業(yè)結構早已過(guò)度到第三產(chǎn)業(yè)為主,因此生活用品類(lèi)產(chǎn)品嚴重依賴(lài)進(jìn)口,同時(shí)也是世界輔料面料大的進(jìn)口國,,具權/威機構統計2015年進(jìn)口額為620億美金;另外,日本發(fā)達的服裝產(chǎn)業(yè)使得其在各方面都走在世/界/前/端,面料輔料行業(yè)也不例外,參加該展無(wú)疑將了解世界新前沿的行業(yè)信息及新動(dòng)態(tài),這將有利于中國面料輔料廠(chǎng)家拓展日本面料輔料市場(chǎng)。2020年夏季奧運會(huì )將在日本東京舉行,必將促進(jìn)日本經(jīng)濟及商貿的進(jìn)一步發(fā)展。2019日本面料展,2019日本紡織面料展,2019日本印花面料展,2019日本針織面料展,2019日本紡織品展,2019日本布料展,2019日本蕾絲展,2019日本服裝輔料展,2019日本紐扣展,2019日本服裝拉鏈展,

Tokyo is an international metropolis and a world-famous fashion capital. It has a strong foothold with Milan and Paris, and its clothing industry status cannot be underestimated. As the “wind vane” of Asian fashion trends, the Tokyo International Apparel Fabric Accessories Exhibition will be an excellent opportunity for you to enter the Japanese market for this apparel fabric company that is interested in entering the Japanese market. Japan is a developed country in the world, and its domestic industrial structure has long been over-extended to the tertiary industry. Therefore, daily necessities products are heavily dependent on imports, and are also the world's largest importer of excipient fabrics. According to statistics from authoritative institutions, the import value in 2015 was US$62 billion. In addition, Japan's well-developed clothing industry has made it the world's front in all aspects, and the fabric accessories industry is no exception. Participating in the exhibition will undoubtedly understand the world's latest cutting-edge industry information and latest developments, which will benefit Chinese fabric accessories manufacturers. Expand the Japanese fabric accessories market. The 2020 Summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo, Japan, and will certainly promote the further development of the Japanese economy and commerce.

日本面料輔料展是亞洲大的紡織面料輔料貿易展覽會(huì )之一。展會(huì )主辦方Reed Exhibitions逐年為Fashion World注入新元素,使初的時(shí)尚面料展持續擴大展覽面積外,同期還舉辦時(shí)尚服裝展、東京男裝、東京面料、OEM展。2016年來(lái)自32個(gè)國家的一千貳百多家企業(yè)參展,隨著(zhù)日本經(jīng)濟的振興,主辦方加大力宣傳招商力度,在2017年Fashion World展必將迎來(lái)一個(gè)新的增長(cháng)高峰。2016年秋日本紡織面料展吸引35,000名來(lái)訪(fǎng)者,并且將在2017年春展吸引40,000名來(lái)訪(fǎng)者。該展成為中國展商進(jìn)入日本市場(chǎng)的關(guān)鍵。采購商的行業(yè)包括進(jìn)口商、批發(fā)商、特色精品店、大型零售商、超級市場(chǎng)、百貨商店及運動(dòng)商店等。除此之外,中國企業(yè)還有機會(huì )和一大批行業(yè)內的大公司締結OEM協(xié)議。2024東京面料展,2024東京紡織面料展,2024東京印花面料展,2024東京針織面料展,2024東京紡織品展,2024東京布料展,2024東京蕾絲展,2019東京服裝輔料展,2024東京紐扣展,2024東京服裝拉鏈展,2024東京皮革展,2024東京毛絨展,2024東京皮毛展,2024東京亞麻布展

Japan Fabric Accessories Exhibition is one of the largest textile fabric accessories trade fairs in Asia. Exhibition organizer Reed Exhibitions injects new elements into Fashion World every year, making the original fashion fabric exhibition continue to expand the exhibition area. At the same time, it also held fashion clothing exhibition, Tokyo menswear, Tokyo fabrics, OEM exhibition. In 2016, more than one thousand companies from 32 countries participated in the exhibition. With the revitalization of the Japanese economy, the organizers stepped up their efforts to promote investment. In 2017, Fashion World will surely usher in a new growth peak. The autumn textile fabric exhibition in Japan attracted 35,000 visitors and will attract 40,000 visitors in the 2017 Spring Festival. The exhibition became the key to Chinese exhibitors entering the Japanese market. Buyers' industries include importers, wholesalers, specialty boutiques, large retailers, supermarkets, department stores and sports stores. In addition, Chinese companies have the opportunity to conclude OEM agreements with a large number of large companies in the industry.


2018日本服裝面料輔料展,參展商850家,與會(huì )者3,5209人次。為來(lái)自世界各地的參展商提供展示新品的機會(huì )與平臺,同時(shí)為參展商開(kāi)拓業(yè)務(wù)、商機,為其蕞大限度提高渠道效益,加快買(mǎi)家、進(jìn)口商和批發(fā)商、代理商的銷(xiāo)售進(jìn)程。2019年將擴大舉行,于3月27日至29日在Tokyo Big Sight展出,預估將有1000家廠(chǎng)商參展來(lái)自25個(gè)國家,將吸引30,000位國際專(zhuān) 業(yè)訪(fǎng)客到場(chǎng)參觀(guān)。

2018 Japan Apparel Fabric Accessories Exhibition, 850 exhibitors, 3,5209 participants. To provide exhibitors from all over the world with opportunities and platforms to showcase new products, and to develop business and business opportunities for exhibitors, to maximize channel efficiency and speed up the sales process of buyers, importers and wholesalers and agents. It will be expanded in 2019 and will be exhibited at Tokyo Big Sight from March 27th to 29th. It is estimated that there will be 1,000 exhibitors from 25 countries and will attract 30,000 international professional visitors.



Textiles, fabrics, cotton, wool, linen, knitting, lining, plush, leather, fur, yarn, garment accessories, lace, buttons, zippers, etc.



聯(lián)系人:閆樹(shù)剛   (日本展會(huì )負責人)Contact person: Yan Shugang 

甘孜县| 安达市| 红河县| 株洲市| 黄骅市| 恩施市| 新和县| 信丰县| 安仁县| 阿拉善右旗| 固始县| 增城市| 宁津县| 淳安县| 潜山县| 密山市| 苗栗市| 丰台区| 梅河口市| 塔城市| 惠安县| 大方县| 湟源县| 阿坝| 亚东县| 理塘县| 宜城市| 蚌埠市| 饶阳县| 荣昌县| 虹口区| 青神县| 平乡县| 仙游县| 石阡县| 蒲城县| 横山县| 彭州市| 炉霍县| 长春市| 江孜县|