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義烏大型物流電動(dòng)雨篷定做安裝 廠(chǎng)房懸空電動(dòng)伸縮棚制作安裝定做

單價(jià): 150.00元/件
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 全國
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-14 06:40
最后更新: 2023-12-14 06:40
瀏覽次數: 156

義烏大型物流電動(dòng)雨篷定做安裝 廠(chǎng)房懸空電動(dòng)伸縮棚制作安裝定做

有了解推拉雨棚的客戶(hù)大致都知道,推拉雨棚是有立柱的,可以在地面來(lái)回推拉都是沒(méi)有問(wèn)題的;而懸空推拉雨棚就不一樣了,它是需要做在墻上或者用鋼立柱做基礎,讓推拉雨棚的頂部區域來(lái)回伸縮; 也有很多客戶(hù)會(huì )疑惑,懸空推拉雨棚,它可以活動(dòng)嗎?只要雨棚產(chǎn)品帶輪子,都是可以活動(dòng)的,懸空雨棚在伸縮方面就不是很方便了;如果是做手動(dòng)的,那得需要人工爬上頂部的兩側,用人工去來(lái)會(huì )伸縮。廠(chǎng)家也有升級到采用電動(dòng)的,用遙控器來(lái)控製整個(gè)雨棚發(fā)來(lái)回來(lái)伸縮,這樣免去了人工爬上頂部?jì)蓚任恢脕?lái)回伸縮,也避免人工操作不當,引起不必要的麻煩。有需要做懸空推拉雨棚的客戶(hù),也不需要太糾結,只需考慮到後期需要來(lái)回伸縮部位,如果需要那就可以要求廠(chǎng)家做電動(dòng);如果是後期沒(méi)有伸縮的需求,那就可以做手動(dòng);廠(chǎng)家都會(huì )根據客戶(hù)需求做好相應的抗風(fēng)、防雨的措施。

Customers who are familiar with sliding canopies generally know that sliding canopies have columns and can be pushed and pulled back and forth on the ground without any problems; And the suspended sliding canopy is different. It needs to be built on a wall or use steel columns as a foundation to allow the top area of the sliding canopy to retract back and forth; Many customers may also wonder if the suspended sliding canopy can move? As long as the canopy product comes with wheels, it can be moved, and the suspended canopy is not very convenient in terms of expansion and contraction; If it is done manually, it requires manual climbing on both sides of the top and manual stretching. The manufacturer has also upgraded to using an electric one, using a remote control to control the entire canopy to retract and retract, which eliminates the need for manual climbing on both sides of the top and avoiding unnecessary trouble caused by improper manual operation. For customers who need to make a suspended sliding canopy, there is no need to worry too much. Just consider the need for back and forth expansion parts in the later stage. If necessary, you can ask the manufacturer to make an electric one; If there is no need for scaling in the later stage, manual operation can be done; Manufacturers will take corresponding measures to resist wind and rain according to customer needs.

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