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勞保會(huì )|勞保展-2024年106屆中國勞動(dòng)保護用品展覽會(huì )歡迎您

單價(jià): 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 直轄市 上海
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-14 02:10
最后更新: 2023-12-14 02:10
瀏覽次數: 134
第106屆中國勞動(dòng)保護用品交易會(huì )暨2024中國國際職業(yè)安全及健康產(chǎn)業(yè)博覽會(huì )勞保會(huì )即將于2024年4月25-27日登陸上海新國際博覽中心關(guān)于展會(huì ):中國勞動(dòng)保護用品交易會(huì )(CIOSH)是協(xié)會(huì )自1966年開(kāi)始舉辦的全國性交易會(huì ),每年分春、秋兩屆舉辦,春季會(huì )固定在上海,秋季會(huì )為全國巡回展,目前單屆參展企業(yè)超過(guò)1500家、展示面積超過(guò)80000平方米、觀(guān)眾人數超過(guò)35000人。
about the exhibition:China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH) is a national trade exhibition held every spring and autumn by the association since 1966. In spring, it will be fixedly held in Shanghai; in autumn it will be a national tour. Now, the exhibition space here are over 70,000 square meters, with more than 1,500 exhibitors and 25,000 professional visitors.about the occupational safety & health goods:Protecting workers’ life safety and occupational health is the most fundamental and profound connotation of safe production, and also the core of the safe production essence. In the production process, the "people-oriented" principle must be adhered to. In the relationship between production and safety, everything is safety-oriented, and safety must be ranked first. The occupational safety & health goods (also known as "personal protective e", the international abbreviation "PPE") refers to a protective e provided by workers in order to avoid or mitigate accidental injuries or occupational hazards in the production process. Through the measures of obstructing, sealing, absorbing, dispersing and suspending, it can protect the part or all of the body from external aggression. Under certain conditions, the use of personal protective e is the main protective measure. PPE products are divided into general labor protection products and special labor protection products.about exhibit categories:head protection, face protection, eye protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, hand protection, foot protection, body protection, high altitude safety protection, inspection e, safety warnings and related protective e, product certification , safety training, etc.中國勞動(dòng)保護用品交易會(huì )展商自助服務(wù)中心:為方便廣大參展商信息及時(shí)共享,特開(kāi)發(fā)信息化服務(wù)平臺“展商自助服務(wù)中心”,集“簽署合同”、“付款情況”、“開(kāi)票資料”、“會(huì )刊資料提交”等功能于一體。

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