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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-08 03:15
最后更新: 2023-12-08 03:15
瀏覽次數: 76

德國郵政敦豪集團與致力于可持續貨運的非營(yíng)利組織 Smart Freight Centre 共同倡導貨運脫碳的新途徑——碳嵌入。一份聯(lián)合開(kāi)發(fā)的白皮書(shū)“物流行業(yè)的碳嵌入”推薦了一種為物流行業(yè)的脫碳項目分金的創(chuàng )新方法。通過(guò)釋放這一重要資源,將創(chuàng )造一個(gè)重要的杠桿來(lái)支持向綠色物流的技術(shù)轉變。已經(jīng)存在充足的解決方案,例如可持續燃料、車(chē)隊更新、發(fā)動(dòng)機改造和效率項目。這些投資不僅是運輸部門(mén)脫碳的一種高效方式,而且從長(cháng)遠來(lái)看,還將導致整個(gè)物流供應鏈的結構改進(jìn)。

  “為了確保物流業(yè)能夠繼續成功地為應對氣候變化做出貢獻,我們需要一個(gè)統一的、針對特定行業(yè)的標準來(lái)補償和減少碳排放,”管理委員會(huì )成員 Tim Scharwath 說(shuō)。 Deutsche Post DHL Group, CEO DHL Global Forwarding, Freight?!皬拈L(cháng)遠來(lái)看,交通更加脫碳是推動(dòng)積極變革的關(guān)鍵。面向未來(lái)的物流公司現在應該考慮制定嚴格的插入策略?!?/p>

  “有機會(huì )將與運輸排放相關(guān)的碳抵消資金用于物流部門(mén)的項目——這種做法被稱(chēng)為碳嵌入,”智能貨運中心的專(zhuān)家顧問(wèn)和白皮書(shū)的作者 Suzanne Greene 說(shuō)?!氨疚臑榧铀儇涍\脫碳的系統奠定了基礎?!?貨運部門(mén)的碳嵌入概念是通過(guò)她與麻省理工學(xué)院可持續供應鏈倡議的合作而發(fā)展起來(lái)的。


  貨運目前占全球碳排放量的 8%(如果包括物流站點(diǎn)的排放量,則為 11%)。國際運輸最近的研究預測,到 2050 年,這些排放量將翻一番,因為在此期間預計需求將增長(cháng)三倍。企業(yè)的氣候行動(dòng)主要是自愿的,缺乏協(xié)調,因此貨運脫碳步伐太慢。一些貨運運營(yíng)商通過(guò)投資碳抵消來(lái)減輕部分運輸排放,例如林業(yè)項目。2018 年,2.68 億美元的自愿碳抵消市場(chǎng)中只有 0.2% 進(jìn)入了與交通相關(guān)的項目。在運輸部門(mén)之外花費的資金是有意義的,但無(wú)助于推動(dòng)全球貨運網(wǎng)絡(luò )本身的脫碳。



  可以大規模應用的項目類(lèi)型有很多:替代性、可持續燃料的規?;?、車(chē)隊更新或發(fā)動(dòng)機改造可以用低碳技術(shù)升級交通網(wǎng)絡(luò )。提高運輸效率可以減少燃料消耗并避免過(guò)度排放。所有這些方法都顯著(zhù)減少了氣候影響,并有益于公共健康和安全,因此不僅有助于實(shí)現《巴黎協(xié)定》,而且還支持可持續發(fā)展目標。


  白皮書(shū)重點(diǎn)介紹了為插圖提供藍圖的具體示例。對于可持續航空燃料 (SAF),具有可持續燃料證書(shū)的賬簿和索賠機制的插入解決方案將消除障礙,例如需要對公司供應鏈中的這些燃料進(jìn)行物理可追溯性,同時(shí)提供資金以激勵進(jìn)一步發(fā)展這些燃料。這個(gè)概念類(lèi)似于 GoodShipping 計劃,該計劃正在推動(dòng)生物燃料在海運中的使用。此外,德國郵政敦豪集團 (Deutsche Post DHL Group) 的一項旨在促進(jìn)可持續公路貨運技術(shù)的插入計劃,即瑞典的 Skicka Gr?nt(“Send Green”)計劃也有特色:參與該計劃的客戶(hù)為每個(gè)運送的包裹支付固定的附加費,


  雖然將碳嵌入應用到交通運輸部門(mén)具有巨大的潛力,但需要一個(gè)全行業(yè)的倡議來(lái)進(jìn)一步發(fā)展、推進(jìn)和標準化這一概念。麻省理工學(xué)院可持續供應鏈、智能貨運中心及其全球物流排放委員會(huì ) (GLEC)(德國郵政敦豪集團是其成員)希望在這個(gè)問(wèn)題上有所作為。步是基于 GLEC 框架制定碳插入核算和報告的方法和指南,更廣泛地涵蓋物流排放,并與公司進(jìn)行測試。這是采取進(jìn)一步措施以完全接受碳嵌入作為減少物流行業(yè)外包“范圍 3”貨運排放的可行手段的個(gè)先決條件。下一步是讓這些機制得到現有和未來(lái)的報告和會(huì )計標準的認可。承運人、貨運代理和托運人需要共同努力以實(shí)現這一目標。

  Deutsche Post DHL Group together with Smart Freight Centre, a non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable freight, is advocating a new pathway to freight decarbonization – carbon insetting. A jointly developed white paper, “Carbon Insets for the Logistics Sector”, recommends an innovative approach for allocating funds to decarbonization projects in the logistics industry. By unlocking this vital resource, a significant lever would be created to support the technological shift towards greener logistics. Ample solutions already exist, such as sustainable fuel, fleet renewal, engine retrofitting, and efficiency projects. These investments would not only be a highly efficient way to decarbonize the transport sector, but also result in structural improvements of the entire logistics supply chain in the long run. The complete white paper "Carbon Insets for the Logistics Sector" is now available for free download at

  “To ensure that the logistics industry can continue to contribute successfully to the fight against climate change, we need a uniform and sector-specific standard for compensating for, and reducing, carbon emissions,” says Tim Scharwath, Member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Post DHL Group, CEO DHL Global Forwarding, Freight. “In the long-term, greater decarbonization of transport is key to driving positive change. Future-proofed logistics companies should think now about developing a stringent insetting strategy.”

  "There is an opportunity to channel carbon offset funds related to transportation emissions to projects within the logistics sector - a practice known as carbon insetting," says Suzanne Greene, Smart Freight Centre's Expert Advisor and author of the white paper. “This paper lays the foundation for a system to accelerate freight decarbonization.” The concept of carbon insetting for the freight sector was developed through her work with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sustainable Supply Chains initiative.

  Setting the scene: carbon emissions in the logistics sector

  Freight transportation is currently responsible for 8% of global carbon emissions (11% if emissions from logistics sites are included). Recent studies by the International Transport Forum forecast these emissions to double by 2050 as demand is anticipated to grow threefold in this period. Climate action by companies is largely voluntary and lacks coordination and thus the pace of freight decarbonization is too slow. Some freight operators mitigate part of their transportation emissions by investing in carbon offsets, such as in forestry projects. In 2018, only 0.2% of the USD 268 million voluntary carbon offset market went into transport-related projects. Funds spent outside the transport sector are meaningful but will not help to advance the decarbonization of the global freight transportation network itself.

  Proposed solution: Carbon Insetting

  Carbon insetting, where offset funding is directed to address impacts inside the logistics supply chain, can be part of the solution to accelerate decarbonization of the transport sector.

  The types of projects that could be applied at scale are numerous: the scaling of alternative, sustainable fuels, fleet renewal or engine retrofits can upgrade transportation networks with lower carbon technologies. Improving the efficiency of shipments leads to reduced fuel consumption and avoids excess emissions. All these approaches provide meaningful reductions in climate impact, as well as benefits for public health and safety and therefore do not only contribute to achieving the Paris Agreement, but also support the Sustainable Development Goals.

  Putting the concept into practice: Lighthouse projects already ongoing

  The white paper highlights specific examples that provide a blueprint for insets. For sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), an insetting solution with a book and claim mechanism for sustainable fuel certificates would remove barriers, such as the need for physical traceability of those fuels in a company’s supply chain, while providing the funding to incentivize further development of these fuels. This concept is similar to the GoodShipping program, which is advancing the use of biofuels in ocean freight. In addition, Deutsche Post DHL Group’s insetting program to foster sustainable road freight technologies, the Skicka Gr?nt (“Send Green”) program in Sweden is featured: customers participating in the program pay a fixed surcharge for every shipped parcel, which is then fully invested into biofuels and electric vehicles within for the Swedish transport network.

  Call for action: Collaboration across the industry needed

  While there is vast potential to apply carbon insets to the transportation sector, there is a need for an industry-wide initiative to further develop, advance and standardize the concept. MIT Sustainable Supply Chains, Smart Freight Centre and its Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC), which Deutsche Post DHL Group is a member of, want to move the needle on this issue. The first step is to develop methods and guidelines for carbon inset accounting and reporting, based on the GLEC framework, that covers logistics emissions more broadly, and test this with companies. This is the first prere for taking further steps to fully enable acceptance of carbon insetting as a viable means to reduce outsourced “scope 3” freight transport emissions in the logistics industry. The next step is for these mechanisms to be acknowledged by existing and future reporting and accounting standards. Carriers, forwarders and shippers need to work together to achieve this goal.

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