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德國柏林維納斯國際成人用品展覽會(huì )2024VENUS|保健產(chǎn)品.用于檢查診斷治療的各種醫療器械及設備展覽會(huì )

展覽會(huì )大鵬: 國際展會(huì )組展組團
shzpexpo: 福貿國際展覽
展覽會(huì )攤位: 展位安排-搭建-布展
單價(jià): 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 浙江 杭州
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-11-28 15:21
最后更新: 2023-11-28 15:21
瀏覽次數: 178

2024德國柏林維納斯國際成人用品展覽會(huì )VENUS

展會(huì )時(shí)間:2024年10月24-26日

展會(huì )地點(diǎn):德國柏林展覽中心

展會(huì )周期:一年一屆

展會(huì )簡(jiǎn)介:福貿展會(huì )大鵬zpexpo

德國柏林維納斯國際成人用品展覽會(huì )VENUS創(chuàng )辦于1997年,由柏林會(huì )展集團公司主辦,venus-festival是以成人用品、網(wǎng)絡(luò )與多媒體為主要展示內容的専業(yè)性貿易展會(huì )。為了給展商和専業(yè)貿易觀(guān)眾提供一個(gè)更好的交流平臺,主辦方特將B2C及B2B展區區分開(kāi)來(lái)。特設立Asia Hall,是純貿易館(Pure business hall),這意味著(zhù)大聲音樂(lè )及秀是不允許的,展館入口對所有觀(guān)眾開(kāi)放!展會(huì )總開(kāi)放18,20,21及Palais四個(gè)展廳,其中18號廳融合B2B及B2C,但展廳內不容許大聲喧嘩,更注重商務(wù)洽談氣氛的營(yíng)造;20號廳融合B2B及B2C,該展廳偏向營(yíng)造一種輕松愉快地洽談氛圍,將有音樂(lè )和表演上演;21號廳及Palais展廳為B2C展廳,屆時(shí)將有各式表演上映!


Registration for a trade fair or exhibition (event) will take place

on the “Stand Registration Form”. The form must be filled out

carefully and signed with a legally binding signature. The

registration is an irrevocable contractual offer to Venus to which

the exhibitor is bound until the start of the event.

All contractual regulations are published hereinafter referred to only as the 

5.2. Content of the contract

The essential components of the contract are

a. the registration form

b. the regulations published on the website

c. the regulations linked on the website

d. these General Terms and Conditions.

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