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德國成人展2024男女仿.真器具及情趣用品展覽會(huì )

展覽會(huì )大鵬: 國際展會(huì )組展組團
shzpexpo: 福貿國際展覽
展覽會(huì )攤位: 展位安排-搭建-布展
單價(jià): 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 浙江 杭州
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-11-28 14:01
最后更新: 2023-11-28 14:01
瀏覽次數: 298

2024德國柏林維納斯國際成人用品展覽會(huì )VENUS

展會(huì )時(shí)間:2024年10月24-26日

展會(huì )地點(diǎn):德國柏林展覽中心

展會(huì )周期:一年一屆

展會(huì )簡(jiǎn)介:福貿展會(huì )大鵬expozp

德國柏林維納斯國際成人用品展覽會(huì )VENUS創(chuàng )辦于1997年,由柏林會(huì )展集團公司主辦,venus-festival是以成人用品、網(wǎng)絡(luò )與多媒體為主要展示內容的専業(yè)性貿易展會(huì )。經(jīng)過(guò)21年的發(fā)展壯大,該展現已發(fā)展成為歐美地區頗具代表性的専業(yè)貿易型展會(huì ),展會(huì )共分普通展區和専業(yè)展區,普通展區對普通消費者和専業(yè)觀(guān)眾開(kāi)放,専業(yè)展區僅對専業(yè)觀(guān)眾開(kāi)放。専業(yè)的B2C & B2B展館區分定能讓貴司滿(mǎn)載而歸。


Berlin, August 2023. From October 26th to 29th, it’s VENUS time again in Berlin, and the 26th edition of the well-known erotic and lifestyle fair will take place in the exhibition halls under the Funkturm. Now, VENUS is introducing its brand ambassadors for this year, giving a first glimpse of the diversity of the fair this year.

Micaela Sch?fer (39) is so closely connected to VENUS that she is celebrating her 10th anniversary as a VENUS representative this year: “There’s hardly a place where I can express myself better than at VENUS. It’s always the absolute highlight of the year for me, and just like every year, I’m planning a particularly hot action for this October… stay tuned,” explains Germany’s most famous erotic model, Micaela Sch?fer.

丘北县| 昭通市| 景宁| 鄯善县| 福安市| 津市市| 自治县| 阿拉尔市| 福鼎市| 镇安县| 腾冲县| 孟连| 益阳市| 河东区| 永福县| 永德县| 柳林县| 宜良县| 印江| 岫岩| 青海省| 涿州市| 曲麻莱县| 井研县| 商城县| 新乐市| 宁阳县| 神池县| 叙永县| 锡林浩特市| 莲花县| 湖南省| 高台县| 奇台县| 聂拉木县| 黄大仙区| 彭州市| 蓬溪县| 定兴县| 永兴县| 师宗县|