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關(guān)注 | 2023年9月國際認證最新資訊有哪些?看這里來(lái),2023年9月國際認證最新資訊

檢測周期: 5--7天
送樣地址: 深圳寶安
檢測認證費用: 電話(huà)咨詢(xún),根據產(chǎn)品評估
單價(jià): 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 廣東 深圳
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-11-24 12:04
最后更新: 2023-11-24 12:04
瀏覽次數: 156
信息技術(shù)/音視頻/通訊類(lèi)產(chǎn)品- ITE / Telecom -Argentina 阿根廷Swipe for English阿根廷ENACOM發(fā)布決議 1132/2023 - 開(kāi)放 WiFi 6E阿根廷國家通信機構(ENACOM)于2023年8月18日發(fā)布了Resolution 1132/2023,其中包括以下技術(shù)標準:《寬帶數字調制設備集成系統》和《跳頻設備集成系統》。
Wi-Fi 6E設備 (5925-7125MHz) 現在也可以獲得批準。
Argentina ENACOM Releases  Resolution 1132/2023 – open WiFi 6EEnte Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM) in Argentina published Resolution 1132/2023 on August 18, 2023, which includes the following technical standards: ENACOM-Q2-63.02 V23.1 “Equipment integrating systems of Broadband Digital Modulation;” and ENACOM-Q2-63.03 V23.1 “Equipment integrating systems of Frequency Hopping.” Devices may be tested using these standards starting August 18, 2023, and the new standards will be enforced starting November 16, 2023. Wi-Fi 6E devices are now also able to be approved (5925-7125MHz). See below link:BOLETIN OFICIAL REPUBLICA ARGENTINA - ENTE NACIonAL DE COMUNICACIonES - Resolución 1132/2023Belarus 白俄羅斯Swipe for English2023年8月14日,白俄羅斯部長(cháng)會(huì )議頒布了第532號決議。
批準的技術(shù)法規規定了使用新技術(shù)的電信設施的合格評定:窄帶物聯(lián)網(wǎng) (NB-IoT),新無(wú)線(xiàn)電:第五代無(wú)線(xiàn)接入技術(shù) (NR) 等。
新版本更新了需要CoC (合格證明) 和DoC (符合性聲明) 的產(chǎn)品列表。
On 14 August 2023, the Belarusian Council of Ministers enacted Resolution No. 532 amending Resolution No. 469 establishing technical regulations on telecommunication equipment.The approved technical regulation provides for the conformity assessment of telecommunication facilities using new technologies: Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT), New-Radio: fifth generation radio access technology (NR) and others.  The new edition updates the list of products subject to certification of conformity and declaration of conformity. Resolution No. 532 will enter into force on 17 February 2024. Refer to below link.Постановление Совета Министров Республики Беларусь от 14.08.2023 г. № 532  China 中國Swipe for English2023年8月10日,國家認證認可監督管理委員會(huì )發(fā)布強制性產(chǎn)品認證證書(shū)、標志管理公告。
公告對強制性產(chǎn)品認證 (CCC認證) 作出如下變更:CCC認證將全面實(shí)行電子證書(shū)。
 現有的紙質(zhì)證書(shū)仍然有效,并會(huì )通過(guò)修改、更新等方式自然過(guò)渡為電子證書(shū)。
On 10 August 2023, the Chinese Certification and Accreditation Administration published an announcement on the management of compulsory product certification certificates and marks. The announcement implements Announcement No. 3, 2022 on expanding the application of electronic certificates and the views of the national interoperability and mutual recognition. The announcement prescribes the following changes to the compulsory product certification (CCC certification): The CCC certification would be completely implemented in electronic certificates. The certification agencies will issue paper certificates if requested by applicants.The existing paper certificates remain valid and will naturally transition to electronic certificates through modifications, renewals and so on. Both paper and electronic certificates hold the same legal validity.The production and use of CCC certificates and marks must comply with the requirements specified in the annexes. The annexes outline the following provisions:Annex 1 stipulates the management requirements for CCC certificates. The certificates shall contain the following information: -CCC mark;-name of the certificate;-certificate number; -name and address of the certification commissioner;-name and address of the manufacturer; -commodity name and series;-specifications and models of the commodity; -compliance with standards and technical requirements; -implementation rules of CCC certification;-date of issuance and validity period, -QR code for query; and -information on the certification agency. Annex 2 describes the standard requirement is that the CCC mark is moulded or affixed on the packaging or outer surface of the commodity in a conspicuous manner. In addition to the physical label, the CCC marks can be labelled electronically only for commodities with integrated screens and electronic nameplates. The annex also specifies that the standard CCC marks should be applied to the minimum sales packaging of such commodities. The announcement enters into force on 1 January 2024 and at the same time, it will repeal Announcement No. 10, 2018. India 印度Swipe for English印度政府對海關(guān)稅則碼8471 的筆記本電腦、平板電腦、一體式個(gè)人電腦以及超小型電腦和服務(wù)器實(shí)施進(jìn)口限制。
制造商必須先獲得WPC 的設備型式批準和進(jìn)口許可證,然后才能向DGFT 提交進(jìn)口許可證申請。
不接受通過(guò)自我聲明 (ETA-SD) 進(jìn)行的設備類(lèi)型批準。
但是,如果出現以下情況,進(jìn)口許可條件將被豁免:僅進(jìn)口 1 臺筆記本電腦、平板電腦、一體機和其他此類(lèi)物品,但不適用于服務(wù)器。
如果產(chǎn)品 (每批貨物最多 20 件) 進(jìn)口用于研發(fā)、測試、基準檢驗和評估、維修和退貨以及產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)目的。
The Government of India introduced restrictions on the import of Laptops, Tablets, all-in-one Personal Computers, and Ultra-Small form factor Computers and Servers categorized under HSN 8471. In order to give time to the industry to prepare, the restriction  on import will go into force on November 1, 2023.     Major highlights of the notification issued:  import of products under HS codes 84713010, 84713090, 84714110, 84714120, 84714190, 84714900, and 84715000 will be restricted. An import License from DGFT will be required in order to import products under the aforementioned HS codes.Manufacturers will have to procure Equipment Type Approval and an import License from WPC prior to submitting the application for an import License from DGFT. Equipment type approval through self-declaration (ETA-SD) will not be accepted. However, the import licensing conditions will be exempted if: only 1 unit of Laptop, Tablet, All in one PC, and other such items are imported. Though, this is not applicable to Servers. If the product (up to 20 items per consignment) is being imported for R&D, Testing, Benchmarking and evaluation, Repair and Return and Product Development purposes.  If the product is re-imported after being repaired abroad.If the product is an essential part of another capital good.Japan 日本Swipe for English日本經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)業(yè)省于2023年8月1日針對電安法相關(guān)標準公告變更如下:【別表第十】為因應國際性技術(shù)趨勢,針對LED燈和照明器具的電波噪聲相關(guān)規定自前年開(kāi)始有進(jìn)行修訂。
It was announced by METI that Appendix 10 and Appnedix 12 of “about Interpretation of Ministerial Ordinance for Establishing Technical Requirements for Electrical Appliances and Materials” were revised on August 1, 2023.Detailes for Appendix 10.Details for Appendix 12. Below stabdards are revised.The effective date of this revision is August 1, 2023. However, for three years after the revision, it is possible to follow the previous interpretation. Old standards can be applied until July 31, 2026.More details can be found in this link.Laos 老撾Swipe for English老撾MTC于7月21日發(fā)布了第0416號公告,更新了型式批準和標簽要求,執行日期為2023年8月4日。
其主要變化如下:Type2產(chǎn)品 (SRD) 證書(shū)會(huì )由3年有效改為1年有效,其他證書(shū)仍為3年有效。
大部分個(gè)人消費類(lèi)及IOT產(chǎn)品需要購買(mǎi)含QR碼的標簽或是申請E-label (根據實(shí)際進(jìn)口量購買(mǎi))。
Laos MTC issued the announcement Notification 0416 on 21st July, updating the type approval and label requirement. The mandatory date is 4th of August 2023.One of the main changes is as below:For type 1 equipment, TA cert and Acknowledgement letter of DoC have 3 years validity.For type 2 equipment, TA cert and/or Acknowledgement letter of DoC have 1 year validity. All type 2 products that are submitted before 4th of August and obtained certificate should be able to remain still 3 years validity, but all certificates obtained after 4th August will be only with 1 year validity. All previous certificates will remain until the expiry date.For more details, please refer to this link.電池產(chǎn)品- Battery -China Taiwan 中國臺灣Swipe for English2023年8月14日,臺灣經(jīng)濟部根據《電器及電子商品標示基準公告》發(fā)布關(guān)于一次性鈕扣型電池的公告。
On 14 August 2023, the Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs published an announcement on disposable button cell batteries. The announcement is based on the announcement on the labelling criteria for electrical and electronic products. The announcement specifies that disposable button cell batteries are time-sensitive components and consumables. These batteries should be labelled with the year, month or a week of manufacture and shall include the expiration date or validity period.The announcement enters into force on 1 September 2025.家用電器產(chǎn)品- Household Appliances -Brazil 巴西Swipe for English2023年8月9日,巴西國家計量、標準化和工業(yè)質(zhì)量研究所 (INMETRO/CONMETRO) 發(fā)布了Portaria No. 266,修訂了冰箱及類(lèi)似產(chǎn)品的合格評定要求。
該法規將附錄三圖 1的冰箱標簽的合規期限由原2023年6月30日更新為2023年12月31日。
On 9 August 2023, the Brazil National Institute of Metrology, Standardisation and Industrial Quality (INMETRO/CONMETRO) published the Portaria No. 266, amending the Conformity Assessment Requirements for Refrigerators and Similar Products, approved by the Portaria No. 332 of August 2, 2021. This Regulation postpones the compliance deadline for distributors and retailers in the domestic market to sell only refrigerators that are labelled in accordance with the criteria contained in Tables 4 and 7 of the RTQ of Annex I, using the ENCE model available in Figure 1 of Annex III.  The deadline had been 30 June 2023, but this is revised to 31 December 2023.This Portaria will come into effect on September 1, 2023.Brazil 巴西Swipe for English2023 年 8 月 9 日,巴西國家計量、標準化和工業(yè)質(zhì)量研究所 (INMETRO/CONMETRO) 發(fā)布了與 Portaria No. 269, 2021 相關(guān)的更正,批準了以下修改:在附錄一第 3 項規定的清單中增加兩個(gè)新章節,現在包括: (a) 技術(shù)標準 IEC 60335-1: 2016 (5.2 版)和 (b) 技術(shù)標準 IEC 60335-2-40: 2018 (6.0版),關(guān)于空調合格評定要求 針對上述指定項目的安全測試制定了新的合規要求,自 2025 年 12 月 31 日起,必須采用這些技術(shù)標準進(jìn)行安全測試和驗收標準。
在此之前,基于技術(shù)標準 IEC 60335-1:2010  發(fā)布的報告 (5.0 版) 和IEC 60335-2-40: 2013 (5.0 版) 將被接受。
On 9 August 2023, the Brazil National Institute of Metrology, Standardisation and Industrial Quality (INMETRO/CONMETRO) published a correction relating to the Portaria No. 269, 2021, approving the following modifications:Addition of two new sections in the list specified in item 3 of Annex I, to now include: (a) Technical standard IEC 60335-1: 2016 (5.2 edition) and (b) Technical standard IEC 60335-2-40: 2018 (6.0 edition), regarding the Conformity Assessment Requirements for Air Conditioners;Establishment of new compliance requirements regarding the safety tests for the items specified above, imposing that these technical standards must be adopted for the tests of security and acceptance criteria as of 31 December 2025. Until this date, reports issued based on technical standards IEC 60335-1: 2010 (5.0 edition) and IEC 60335-2-40:2013  (5.0 edition) will be accepted.燈具光源產(chǎn)品- LED Luminaires / LED -Costa Rica 哥斯達黎加Swipe for English[法規草案] 2023 年 8 月 18 日,世貿組織發(fā)布了G/TBT/N/CRI/200號通知,涉及 RTCR 510:2023 系列燈飾、圣誕裝飾品和家用裝飾人物、規格和標簽草案。
On 18 August 2023, the WTO published Notification G/TBT/N/CRI/200 relating to draft RTCR 510:2023  Series of lights, Christmas decorations and decorative figures for domestic use, Specifications and Labelling.The objective of this Draft Decree is to adopt technical regulation on the technical requirements for the strings of lights, Christmas decorations and decorative figures for domestic use whose assigned voltage is not greater than 120 V nominal and that are used or marketed on the national market, whether they are domestically produced or imported. Seasonal use is considered to be a period of installation and use of no more than 90 days.This technical regulation applies to:the strings of lights with inset lamp holders, threaded-base midget lamp holders and miniature threaded-base lamp holders that are connected in series through the use of a line or with candelabra or intermediate threaded-base lamp holders that they are connected in parallel for direct connection use,seasonal decorative light units of various shapes, such as crowns, stars, canes, candles or groups of candles without shade, products in the shape or appearance of a Christmas tree that appear to have branches and leaves no greater than 762 mm in height; inflatable figures or air-moulded objects, animated figures, tree tops, controllers, tree stands and decorative motorised indicators,Ornamental articles supplied with a connection to a snap-on lamp holder and intended to replace a snap-on lamp in a series-connected decorative-type light string or decorative unit.This technical regulation does not apply to:series that use lamp holders with a size larger than those of the intermediate threaded type for common lighting, products for common use, products that are permanently connected to the power supply, figures without decorative purposes intended for temporary use lighting, extensions, or shunts only,products known as nightlights, or flexible lighting items that are not part of a decoration,portable electric lamps intended for general lighting in seasonal decoration, no common lampshades with openings at the top and bottom,strings of lights, Christmas decorations and decorative figures for domestic use powered by batteries.Furthermore, producers, sellers, importers of the products subject to this technical regulation, must present the declaration of conformity established in subsection 5.1 of Section 5 on Procedure for the Demonstration of Conformity, approved by Executive Decree No. 37662-MEIC-H -MICIT of 12 December 2012.The WTO Notification deadline is 17 October 2023, 60 days from notification.能源效率要求- Energy Efficiency Requirements -South Korea 韓國Swipe for English[法規草案] 韓國貿易工業(yè)和能源部 (MOTIE) 于2023年8月21日發(fā)布No. 2023-170效率管理設備操作規程,針對熒光燈的最低能效管理要求分為3組,并擬定了中長(cháng)期 (2023, 2024, 2025及2027年) 的最低能耗效率標準 (單位: lm/W)。
 On 21 August 2023, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) issued an Efficiency Management Equipment Operation Regulations draft revision of the minimum energy efficiency management requirements for fluorescent lamps are divided into 3 groups, and drawn up the medium and long-term (2023, 2024, 2025 and 2027 year) Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (unit: lm/W) requirement.China Taiwan 中國臺灣Swipe for English[法規草案] 2023年7月27日,臺灣經(jīng)濟部能源局發(fā)布公告草案,擬修訂《除濕機容許耗用能源基準與能源效率分級標示事項、方法及檢查方式》。
本公告所涵蓋的除濕機,是指符合CNS 12492中除濕機定義,并經(jīng)經(jīng)濟部標準檢驗局認定為上市前須檢驗的產(chǎn)品。
On 27 July 2023, Taiwan Bureau of Energy issued a Draft Announcement regarding the proposed amendments to "Requirements on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Dehumidifiers".The dehumidifiers covered by this Announcement are those that meet the definition of dehumidifiers defined in CNS 12492, and identified by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) as products requiring inspection before marketing.The testing and calculation of the energy factor for dehumidifiers must meet the following requirements:The tested value of the energy factor (EF) must be tested in accordance with CNS 12492.The measured value of EF should be rounded off to the second decimal place and must not be lower than the Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) of Dehumidifiers (Table 1), and must be greater than 95% of the labeled value of the products.Before manufacturing or importing dehumidifiers, manufacturers shall submit documents outlined in Section 3 to the central competent authority to register for the account on the Energy Efficiency Rating and Labelling Management System.When manufacturing or importing dehumidifiers, the manufacturer shall display or place the energy efficiency rating label to the instruction manual, on the product's smallest sales package of the product, or place it in a prominent area on the front of the product. The label shall be displayed in colour.If approved, the Announcement will enter into force on 1 January 2026.China Taiwan 中國臺灣Swipe for English2023年7月21日,臺灣經(jīng)濟部能源局發(fā)布關(guān)于通風(fēng)機容許耗用能源基準、標示事項及檢查方式的公告。
本公告適用于額定功率0.75kW (1HP) 至200kW (270HP)、葉輪直徑125mm至2000mm、靜壓147Pa至9807Pa、風(fēng)量10立方公尺/分鐘至3000立方公尺/分鐘的三相交流電機驅動(dòng)通風(fēng)機。
通風(fēng)機應根據 CNS 7778 或 ISO 5801 或 AMCA 210 進(jìn)行測試,以測量能效值。
On 21 July 2023, the Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs published an announcement on the minimum energy performance, energy efficiency rating labelling and inspection of fans. The announcement applies to three-phase AC motor-driven fans with rated power 0.75kW (1HP) to 200kW (270HP), impeller diameter of 125mm to 2000mm, static pressure of 147 Pa to 9807 Pa and a capacity of 10 cubic metres per minute (m3/min) to 3000 m3/min as shown in Annex 1 of Part I, which includes:Axial flow fans;Forward tilt centrifugal fans;Radial centrifugal fans;Backward tilt centrifugal fans (with housing);Backward tilt centrifugal fans (without casing); andMixed-flow fans. The fans should be tested in accordance with CNS 7778 or ISO 5801 or AMCA 210 for the measure of the energy efficiency values. The announcement enters into force on 1 July 2024.其他/多主題產(chǎn)品- Products with Multiple Subjects -India 印度Swipe for EnglishBIS 發(fā)布了有關(guān) IS 1293 標準的通知,該標準為“額定電壓不超過(guò) 250 伏、額定電流不超過(guò) 16A 的家用和類(lèi)似用途插頭和插座”。
IS 1293 的2005年和2019年版本并行有效至2023年10月23日。
于IS 1293:2005 范圍內,但未涵蓋在 IS 1293:2019 范圍內的產(chǎn)品,只能在 2023 年 10 月 23 日之前生產(chǎn)。
該質(zhì)量控制令 (QCO) 屬于 BIS 認證的方案 I (ISI mark)。
BIS has released a notification regarding the standard IS 1293 for “Plugs and Socket-Outlets for Household and Similar Purposes of Rated Voltage up to and Including 250 Volt and Rated Current up to and Including 16A”.  Both 2005 and 2019 versions of IS 1293 are valid till 23rd October 2023.  After 23rd October 2023, 2005 version will be withdraw and 2019 shall remain in force.  No further extension shall be given in the date of concurrent running of IS 1293.Varieties which are covered under the scope of IS 1293: 2005 but not covered under the scope of IS 1293: 2019 can only be manufactured up-to 23rd October 2023.Thus Quality Control Order (QCO) is under scheme-I (ISI mark) of BIS Certification.Key highlights are as below:Ref. imageProduct Description & RatingIS 1293 : 2005IS 1293 : 201916A Plug (Non Rewireable)Not Included in the scopeIncluded in Scope2.5 & 6A Plug portable (rewirable)6A plug is includedNot Included in the scope(The images are indicative only.)10A plug and sockets *10A rating Included in the scopeNot Included in the scope till date but under consideration(The images are indicative only.)25A Plugs and Socket – outlets *Not Included in the scopeIndia 印度Swipe for English[法規草案] 印度工業(yè)和內部貿易促進(jìn)部 (DPIIT) 向 WTO 提交《電氣配件 (質(zhì)量控制) 令, 2023》。
擬議通過(guò)日期:電子公報通知日期建議生效日期:自電子公報通知之日起六個(gè)月India Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) announces “ Electrical Accessories (Quality Control) Order, 2023” to WTO.Electrical accessories are the items used in domestic and industrial electrical wiring e.g., boxes & enclosures, cable trunking and ducting system, switch, holder, socket, plug-top, ceiling rose, fuse cut-out etc.Proposed date of adoption: The date of notification in E-GazetteProposed date of entry into force: Six months from the date of notification in E-GazetteSouth Korea 韓國Swipe for English韓國國家無(wú)線(xiàn)電研究機構 (RRA) 于2023年6月30日發(fā)布No.2023-13公告,新增以下兩項電動(dòng)車(chē)的無(wú)線(xiàn)充電設備納入KC EMC管控范圍:電動(dòng)汽車(chē)無(wú)線(xiàn)電力傳輸設備電動(dòng)自行車(chē)及交通用電設備之無(wú)線(xiàn)電力傳輸設備以上自公告日起即刻生效,詳情可參考此鏈接。
On 30 June 2023, the National Radio Research Agency (RRA) issued a notice no. 2023-13, adding two kinds of wireless charging devices into KC EMC mandatory list:Electric vehicle wireless power transmission deviceWireless power transmission devices for electric bicycles and electric equipment for transportation.This regulation entered into force on 30 June 2023. For details please refer to this link.UAE 阿聯(lián)酋Swipe for English阿拉伯聯(lián)合酋長(cháng)國工業(yè)和先進(jìn)技術(shù)部 (MoIAT) 7月中旬于官網(wǎng)公告,7月15日起需使用UAE PASS登入MoIAT發(fā)證網(wǎng)站,原有的登入方式使用賬號密碼將逐步淘汰。
MoIAT網(wǎng)站賬戶(hù)持有者須先注冊 UAE PASS,并與原有MoIAT網(wǎng)站賬戶(hù)綁定后即可透過(guò)UAE PASS登入使用。
詳情可見(jiàn): https://selfcare.uaepass.ae/The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology of the United Arab Emirates (MoIAT) announced on its official website in mid-July that from July 15, UAE PASS will be required to log in to the MoIAT certifiication website, and the original login method of using account and password will be gradually eliminated.MoIAT website account holders must first register for UAE PASS, and after binding with the original MoIAT website account, they can log in and use it through UAE PASS.The mobile app used by UAE citizens and residents can be used for various services in national administration. Details can be found at: https://selfcare.uaepass.ae/

南江县| 湾仔区| 曲阜市| 修文县| 山东省| 和田县| 胶南市| 玉林市| 于田县| 怀安县| 集贤县| 镇江市| 常州市| 侯马市| 唐海县| 天水市| 勐海县| 鸡东县| 哈尔滨市| 榕江县| 连州市| 沁水县| 桂阳县| 海盐县| 汨罗市| 申扎县| 阿拉善盟| 霍林郭勒市| 青田县| 顺平县| 专栏| 宁远县| 兴隆县| 南充市| 杨浦区| 巫溪县| 时尚| 汉源县| 兴隆县| 本溪市| 广宗县|