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展會(huì )時(shí)間: 2024年11月8-10號
展會(huì )名稱(chēng): 上海環(huán)球食品展
展位規格: 標準-特裝
單價(jià): 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 直轄市 上海
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-11-24 08:31
最后更新: 2023-11-24 08:31
瀏覽次數: 178
FHC環(huán)球美食博覽會(huì )是一個(gè)備受矚目的國際盛會(huì ),每年吸引著(zhù)來(lái)自全球各地的餐飲業(yè)界人士。
作為專(zhuān)注展會(huì )咨詢(xún)的聚星會(huì )展服務(wù),我們榮幸地宣布,上海2024年國際進(jìn)口食品展的時(shí)間已經(jīng)確定。
展會(huì )名稱(chēng):上海環(huán)球食品展 展會(huì )時(shí)間:2024年11月8-10號 展會(huì )地址:上海新國際博覽中心 展位規格:標準-特裝 展出面積:200,000平米 作為FHC環(huán)球美食博覽會(huì )的一個(gè)重要組成部分,上海2024年國際進(jìn)口食品展將持續三天,為您提供一個(gè)展示最新國際進(jìn)口食品的平臺。
首先,讓我們回顧一下FHC環(huán)球美食博覽會(huì )的歷史。
自1997年首次舉辦以來(lái),FHC環(huán)球美食博覽會(huì )已經(jīng)成為中國餐飲行業(yè)的一大盛事。
本次展會(huì )的優(yōu)勢在于其全球化的視角和多元化的內容。
展會(huì )吸引了眾多國際zhiming品牌和優(yōu)質(zhì)供應商參展,為您提供了與來(lái)自不同國家和地區的特色美食接觸的機會(huì )。
同時(shí),展會(huì )還將舉辦多余30場(chǎng)的行業(yè)論壇和技術(shù)交流活動(dòng),探索餐飲行業(yè)的最新趨勢和發(fā)展方向。
無(wú)論是大型企業(yè)還是小型創(chuàng )業(yè)者,本次展會(huì )都將為您提供一個(gè)展示自己和拓展業(yè)務(wù)的juejia機會(huì )。
我們誠邀您蒞臨本次展會(huì ),與全球餐飲行業(yè)達人共襄盛舉。
采購商分布:咖啡飲品焙店牛西餐廳 cafe I tea shop /bakery/restaurar食品飲料制造力加 food& beverage manufacturer/ processing食品飲料進(jìn)口商總代理銷(xiāo)商分銷(xiāo)商 i food beverag age importer I agency I distrib大型商超/便利店零售店 supermarket retail shop I groce酒售教商醫療航空 hotel education medical aviaton連鎖餐飲特許經(jīng)營(yíng)店 團餐中央廚房外賣(mài)產(chǎn)業(yè)franchise chain/ franchise ston contract catering/ central kitchen/ delivery電商播流 ecommerce/live streaming /logistics餐飲、食品等服務(wù)商等其他服務(wù) 點(diǎn)亮行業(yè)新時(shí)代 開(kāi)門(mén)七件事,皆與「吃這個(gè)主題息息樣關(guān)飲食,對于國人來(lái)說(shuō)是件關(guān)于日常生活和文化傳承的大事。
在多元與個(gè)性并存、創(chuàng )新與需求共進(jìn)的市場(chǎng)背景下,食飲消費的格同已然產(chǎn)生了質(zhì)的變化。
2022年,展會(huì )將進(jìn)一步擴容,全方位覆蓋食品范疇和地方特色文化美食領(lǐng)城。
從2020到2021,由“零”到“壹”,預示著(zhù)希望、未來(lái)以及光明!美食高貿征途漫漫,吾愿上下而求索期待與您相聚2022年FHC上海環(huán)球食品展,用身心感受一場(chǎng)舌尖上的裝臂盛宴!Seven thas to stort your new day wath are closely reated to the theme of EAT Food for Chinese people is a matter of caly ife and cutto heritage under the moket bockgo of dIversity and indvidually. innovation and demand. the pattern of food and drink consumption has undergone a change internet+ new medio marketing. ave broadcasting with goods.mOny new models have bought products hat were arigincwy argely dido an the mokot o consumers How to use self-resowrces and the current unique marketing charm. to make the treaationo food onct beverage industry more attractve to consumers. more market competitiveness is one o the main ssues acne the indutry As e leading comprehensive StorM. in the: nckastyo: H: Sangh. oD. Food Tto ce Show has always insected a steady stroom of vitality into the recation of a broader doom of food in 02 the xhib tion wll furtho exoand its: copacity. to cover the food category: and local cuisine culture Moioe theme exh tion crees and a series of inter natoma eve. wath a: wico xone: f themes ae. splendid onine inferocto os ne ness matchng proessional forums. oll: the activities existed to. meet: the needs of: domestic and foreign audiences. good resources supporting services and market expon son te's around the worldFrom ftom to one. hooe:future andf bright he: our ney of food and trode s: long and: we: wish:to exp. it.. are ooking forward to meeting you at the 202"3 FHC Shonghai lobo: ood trade show.ond toeing: a delicious fest: oo the tip of the torgue!展會(huì )概述: 歷經(jīng)二十六年的成長(cháng)和發(fā)展,FHC上海環(huán)球食品展已經(jīng)成為食品餐飲業(yè)內的貿易展覽會(huì )之一在中國食品餐飲行業(yè)巨大的市場(chǎng)需求下,FHC已成為各大國公司進(jìn)駐中國市場(chǎng)的重要平臺。
多年來(lái)FHC積累了全球近50個(gè)國家及地區的參展企業(yè)和觀(guān)眾資源,以的商貿平臺、優(yōu)良的配服務(wù),將世界各地的前沿臂飲食品企業(yè)匯集到一年一度的展會(huì )現場(chǎng)。
After 26 years of growth and development. FHC. shanghai Global Food .Trade Show, has become one of the leading trade fairs in the food and catering Industry. With the huge market demand in China. FHC provides an important platform for mojor muitinationai companies to enter the Chinese food and beverage market. Although restricted by the pandemic influence, the overall scale of FHC still reached 150.000 square meters with 2. 500. exhibitors in 2020. FHC has accumuloted exhibitors and professlonal visitors from nearly 50 countries and regions around the worid. With its professional business piatform and excelent supporting services. FHC has gathered the cutting-edge catering and food enterprises from all over the world to the annual exhibition site  企業(yè)推廣的優(yōu)選平臺EXCELLENT-PROMOTION-PLATFORM FOR-ENTERPRISES在參展過(guò)程中,我們全心為參展商提供多方位支持,共同找尋佳解決方案。
Throughout he exhibit on, we always provide all around support for exhibitors to jointly ting the best soiution. we are committed to building cooperation relot onshio with our exhib tors ensuring mutual trust and contribution The number of Exhibitors each year ishd steady growth.bringing more and better prnc promoting busines docking in on orderly manner . 歷屆參展企業(yè)來(lái)源地分布 PERVIOUS EXHIBITED COUNTRIES AND REGION我們的參展商來(lái)自全球50多個(gè)國家和地區,將世界各地新鮮前沿的餐飲食品匯聚到FHC上海環(huán)球食品展現場(chǎng)。
Our exhibitors come from more than 50 countries and regions around the world. Bring the word' s fresh est and most leading edge catering food and beverage products to the site of Shanghai Global Food. Trade Show. With 25 years'experience in holding professional food exhibition. we have made unremit ting efforts to provide a better food exhibition service platform for the entire industry. 觀(guān)眾行業(yè)分布  DISTRIBUTION OF-PROFESSIonAL AUDIENCE觀(guān)眾是衡商貿展覽成功帶否的重要指標,經(jīng)過(guò)多年的不懈努力,每一年的觀(guān)眾數量都在穩步持續增加,在展會(huì )現場(chǎng)所呈現的是全球各國展商帶來(lái)的高質(zhì)量食品,也有FHC打造的一系列高水準論壇會(huì )議,更是直接為展商量身打造了商貿配對會(huì ),這樣一場(chǎng)視聽(tīng)盛宴怎容錯過(guò)!For exhibitions. the number of professional visitors isan important indicator to determine the success of an exh bition. After years of unremitting efforts the number of professional visiors is stead y increasing year by year. with high-ouaity food bought by exh tors from all over the word o seresothgneve forms created by FHC a business motch making salon tailored for exhibitors. this exhibition is an audiovisual feast that cannot be missed! 采購商來(lái)自:咖啡飲品店/烘焙店/中西餐廳CAFE/TEA SHOP/BAKERY/RESTAURANT食品飲料制造FOOD&BEVERAGE MANLFACRRER/PROCEssNG食品飲料進(jìn)口商/總代理/經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商/分銷(xiāo)商FOOD& BRFRAGE PORTER/AGENCY /OSRLEIO 大型商超/便利店/零售店SUPERMARKET/RETALL SHOP/ GROcER酒店/教育/醫療/航空HOTEL/EDUCATON/ MEDICAL/AVATON連鎖餐飲/特許經(jīng)營(yíng)店RESTAURANT CHAN/ FRANCHSESNR團餐/中央廚房/外賣(mài)產(chǎn)業(yè)CCNTRACT CATERNG/ CENTRA KR電商/直播/物流E-COMMERCE/ LVE SREAM餐飲、食品等服商Luding/ Natural Source Group其他服務(wù)OTHER SEStrobel 觀(guān)眾評語(yǔ)很高興能參觀(guān)這次展會(huì ),我們在現場(chǎng)了解到更多優(yōu)質(zhì)食材供應商、烹飪料理的新趨勢,也順利談成了一些合作今后幾年,我將計劃再次前來(lái)參觀(guān),期待能感受到更加完美的FHC.Ii am very glod to attend FHC 2020. We got in to ouched with many suppliers of high- ty ingredients and leamt a lot on new trends in okin years in the future. We hope to have the opportunity to vst FHc again next year and look forward fo seeing an even better show 中國東方航空公司餐飲部代表Foster James/ Regresorarve of Chin Eastern Airines  Caterina Deportment我認為此次展會(huì )很,現場(chǎng)規模也很大,給食品行業(yè)的人提供機遇與治談現場(chǎng)產(chǎn)品很多,能夠選到自己心儀的產(chǎn)品。
下次有機會(huì )還會(huì )過(guò)來(lái)參觀(guān)I think that FHC is a very professional food trade show with arge scale It's a good platform to provide opportunities and negotiations for k people who work in the food industry. There are lots of products which we can choose on site, The security and anti-infection measures are very deta ed on the spot, I'l visit the show again next year.SPEAKERS 部分論壇嘉賓-FHC EXCLUSIVE CUSTOMIZED THEME FORUMFHC專(zhuān)屬定制類(lèi)主題論壇FHC國際撤欖油高峰論壇FHC INTERNATIonAL OLIVE OIL SUMMITFHC國際進(jìn)出口肉類(lèi)海鮮論壇FHC INTERNATonAL import AND EXPORT MEAT SEAFOC)D FORUMFHC國際休閑食品論壇FHC INTERNATIonAL LEISURE FOOD FORUMFHC全球乳制品論壇FHC GLOBAL DAIRY FORUMFHC AQUATIC FRESH SERIES THEME FORUMFHC水產(chǎn)生鮮系列專(zhuān)題論壇中國水產(chǎn)高峰論壇CHINA SEAFOOD SUMMIT中國一加拿大海產(chǎn)發(fā)展高峰論壇CHINA-CANADA SEAFOOD INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT中國可持續水產(chǎn)高峰論壇SEAFOOD SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT FORUM CHINA后疫情時(shí)代,京東生鮮水產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈電商消費論壇E- COMMERCE ConSUMPTION OF A INDUSTRY CHAIN OF JD FRESH IN THE POST EPIDEMIC ERAFHC FOOD BEVERAGE TRENDS SERIES FORUMFHC餐飲發(fā)展趨勢系列專(zhuān)題論壇中國餐飲產(chǎn)業(yè)潮流峰會(huì )CHINA CATERING INDUSTRY TREND SUMMIT上海菜傳承創(chuàng )新高峰論壇SHANGHAI CUISINE INHERITANCE AND INNOVATION SUMMIT上海酒店餐飲高峰論壇—“食”尚潮流新風(fēng)向SHANGHAI HOTEL RESTAURANT SUMMIT FORUM外賣(mài)產(chǎn)業(yè)大會(huì )·“新生態(tài)、新外賣(mài)”萬(wàn)店可期主論壇FOOD DELIVERY INDUSTRY CONFERENCE餐創(chuàng )新未來(lái)-餐飲界創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)高峰論壇CATERING INDUSTRY INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP乘風(fēng)破萬(wàn)餐飲連鎖加盟大會(huì )BORROWING EAST WIND AND BREAKING TEN THOUSAND CATERING CHAIN G CONFERENCE年輕新“食”力—BY首屆年輕化大會(huì )YOUTH POWER OF FOOD INDUSTRY增長(cháng)新引擎—食品新零售論壇CHAIN THINKING AND ENJOYMENT MEETING F&B NEW RETAIL FORUMFHC CATERING DESIGN BRAND MARKETING SERIES THEME FORUMFHC餐飲設計及品牌營(yíng)銷(xiāo)系列專(zhuān)題論壇IP&設計賦能·FHc環(huán)球食品創(chuàng )新設計與營(yíng)銷(xiāo)高峰論壇IP DESIGN ART EMPOWER  FHC GLOBAL FOOD INNOVATIonDESIGN AND MARKETING SUMMIT FORUM中國連鎖餐飲品牌升級&裂變營(yíng)銷(xiāo)峰會(huì )第二屆[子然設計1BRAND UPGRADING OF CHINESE CHAIN CATERING FISSION MARKETINGSUMMI (2ND ZIRAN DESIGN美國室內設計論壇(設計創(chuàng )新未來(lái))AMERICAN INTERIOR DESIGN SUMMIT DESIGN INNOVATION FUTUREFHC LIGHT FOOD TREND DEVELOPMENT SERIES THEME FORUMFHC輕餐潮流發(fā)展系列專(zhuān)題論壇有界之外——中國烘培新勢力品牌分享會(huì )BAKING NEW POWER BRAND SHARING MEETINGTPCC新餐飲西點(diǎn)烘焙創(chuàng )新論壇IPCC  NEW CATERING DESSERT BAKING INNOVATION SUMMITz世代的飲力崛起—第二屆飲品高峰論壇DRINKING POWER RISES AMONG GENERATION Z- THE 2ND BEVERAGE SUMMIT“行業(yè)之力”中國烘焙行業(yè)發(fā)展峰會(huì ) INDUSTRY POWER CHINA BAKING INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT美國蔓越莓飲品論壇——蔓越莓功能特性及其在飲品中的創(chuàng )新應用U.S. CRANBERRY BEVERAGE FORUM THE FEATURESAND INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS OF U. S CRANBERRIES IN BEVERAGEFHC INDUSTRY POLICY SERIES FORUMFHC行業(yè)政策系列專(zhuān)題論壇長(cháng)三角快消品經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商論壇 YANGTZE RIVER DELTA FMCG DEALER FORUM進(jìn)口食品海關(guān)通關(guān)便利化政策新規NEW REGULATIONS ON CUSTOMS CLEARANCE FACILITATION OF importED FOOD《2020中國進(jìn)口食品行業(yè)報告》解讀INTERPRETATION ON CHINA import FOOD INDUSTRY REPORT 2020“暢通內外貿聯(lián)動(dòng)雙循環(huán)”助力外貿企業(yè)內銷(xiāo)洽談會(huì )SEMINAR ON DOMESTIC FOREIGN TRADE PROMOTIonTHE 23RD FHCCHINA INTERNATIonALCULINARY ARTS COMPETITION第二十三屆FHC中國國際烹飪藝術(shù)比賽2021FHC國際西式烹任挑戰賽2021 FHC INTERNATIonAL WESTERN CUISINE CHALLENGE2021FHC國際中式烹飪挑戰賽2021 FHC INTERNATIonAL CHINESE CUISINE: CHALLENGE2021FHC國際西式甜品挑戰賽2021 FHC INTERNATIonAL PASTRY CHALLENGE2021FHC國際西式烘焙挑戰賽2021 FHC INTERNATIonAL BAKERY CHALLENGE2021FHC國際青年廚師挑戰賽2021 FHC INTERNATIonAL YOUNG CHEFS CHALLENGE增值服務(wù)優(yōu)選商貿配對為了更好地促進(jìn)供求渠道的資源對接,FHC主辦方攜手合作伙伴在每年展會(huì )舉辦期間共同組織線(xiàn)下商貿配對會(huì ),為采購商與參展企業(yè)打造便捷的業(yè)務(wù)交流空間,在有限的展覽時(shí)段內實(shí)現更高效的成果。
 豐富廣告類(lèi)型FHC為廣大參展商提供更多線(xiàn)上、宣傳印刷品以及展館現場(chǎng)的廣告機會(huì )。
升級贊助方案如何使您的產(chǎn)品與品牌在海量參展企業(yè)中脫穎而出依托FHC大會(huì )平臺的化國際性會(huì )議論壇、賽事、主題專(zhuān)區等眾多展示空間,我們可以為您提供有針對性的戰略方案,更大限度地提高貴司的行業(yè)度。
Preferred business matching in order to better promote the resource connection of supply and demand channels, the organizer of FHC and senior professional partners jointly organize offline business matching meetings during the annual exhibition, To create a convenient business exchange space for buyers and exhibitors and achieve more efficient results during the limited exhibition period Rich advertising types FHC provides exhibitors with more online, printed and on-site advertising opportunities, Not only to increase the exposure, but also for your company to gain more business opportunities. Multi-channel selection of categories can meet the promotion needs of exhib. tors in various environments and enhance the effect of market promotion Upgrade sponsorship plan How to make your products and brands stand out among the exhibitors? Relying on the platform of professional forums, competitions, theme areas of the FHC, we can provide you with targeted strategic solu- tons to maximize your company's industry reputation On this stage where leading companies gather, the ocus of everyone's attention, enhances the popular. ty of visitors to the booth and achieves a better exhi bition effect. 展出產(chǎn)品:火鍋食材及用品 - HOT POT INGREDIENTS SUPPLIES火鍋因其樣式、口味變化多樣,受到了無(wú)數人的青睞,在很多城市都已經(jīng)擁有屬于自己的一席之地。
它執著(zhù)于各種形式的創(chuàng )新,并在此基礎上不遺余力。
Hot pot has been favored by countless people because of its variety of styles and tastes, and it already has its own place in many cities, If is persistent in various forms of innovation and spares no effort on this basis. The selected ingredients make people have a high degree of loyalty to the hot pot. and the consumer market has therefore become brooder。
展出類(lèi)別 I CATEGOR火鍋調理制品 火鍋底料 魚(yú)及肉制品 肉類(lèi)食材 水產(chǎn) 海鮮 配餐調料 食品配料 禽類(lèi)食品 速凍面點(diǎn) 蔬菜菌菜 餐具 火鍋相關(guān)設備品牌 火鍋及餐飲連鎖加盟物流服務(wù)hot pot preparation products hot pot base material surimi and minced meat products meat ingredients aquatic seafood meal seasoning food ingredients poultry food noodles vegetable mushroom dishes tableware hot pot related e od brand hot pot and restaurant chain franchise logistics services. 肉制品MEAT隨著(zhù)國民生活水平提升,人們越來(lái)越注重生活品質(zhì)及健康生活的理念,因此,對于肉制品的要求也越來(lái)越高。
With the improvement of people's lving standards. peope pcy more and more attention to the cuc ty of life and the concept of healthy life. The re for meat products are getting higher. China's one-year meat consumption exceeded the sum ot the: EU and the United states. At the same time. China is also one of the important meat markets of the world The booming markets of Chinese meat provides huge opportunities for domestic and foreign importers distributors and too producers from many countries展出類(lèi)別:肉食及成品、保鮮分割肉、生態(tài)有機滿(mǎn)食品、高牛羊肉、冷凍食品、生鮮肉系列、調味加理肉系列、肉類(lèi)切割、肉類(lèi)保鮮、肉類(lèi)烹飪設備mmeat and finished products 、fresh-cut meat 、ecologica 、organic meat food、shigh end beef and mutton 、poultry and poultry products 、frozen food 、fresh meat series、flavour meat series 、meat cutting meat preservation 、meat cooking e。
 海鮮SEAFOOD中國是世界上重要的海鮮市場(chǎng)之一,進(jìn)出口總量和總額均創(chuàng )歷史新高。
China is one of the important seafood markets in the worid. The total of imports andi exports hit a record high due to Chinese peopier's demand for abundant protein and pursuit of a heciiny. high- life. there is a favorate market for imported seafood in China. ASEAN, Russia. The United States, Canada. New Zealand and australe are important sources of Chinese sedfood mports The booming Chinese seafood market provides huge opportunities for international seafood exporters展出類(lèi)別 CATOON魚(yú)類(lèi)、貝類(lèi)、海鮮類(lèi)、其他水產(chǎn)類(lèi)、深加工類(lèi)、水產(chǎn)品養殖技術(shù)和設備、冷凍冷藏設備漁機漁具fish 、shellfish 、seafood 、other aquatic product 、deep processing aquatic productsa technology and e refrigeration freezer e、 fishery machineryfishing gear。
 烘焙輕餐、咖啡茶飲-BAKERY LIGHT FOOD, CofFee TEA近年來(lái)烘培成為年輕一代消費者崇尚的時(shí)尚潮流,以短中保烘焰食品代替傳統早餐的現象顯著(zhù),烘培食品行業(yè)的滲透率在逐漸提升。
In recent years, baking has become a fashionable trend advocated by the young generation. Thephenomenon of replacing traditional breakfast with short or medium shelf Efe bakeries are increasng significantly, and the penetration rate obaking industry is gradually rising as well By2024 the retail sales of this industry are expected to exceed 380 billion yuan and maintain the high growth trend in the next few years。
Tea originated in China and prevall all over theworld. With the continuous promotion of tea culture and people,s increasing attention to foodsafety and health, tea drinks are accepted by more and more consumers due to its natural andhealthy characteristics. As a big country of drinks. China not only ranks among the top in tea con-sumption, but also has increasingly fierce competi- tion in coffee consumption market. it is estimated that the size of Chinas coffee market will exceed 330 b on yuan by 2024展出類(lèi)別/ CATEGOR家用咖機及器具、咖啡生豆、熟豆、咖啡烘培設計及技術(shù)、精品茶、傳統茶茶飲加盟、烘培原料預包裝、食品烘培設備、烘培包裝、家庭烘培烘培加盟coffee machines and utensils coffee green beans roasted coffee beans coffee roasting design and technology specialty tea traditional tea tea franchise baking ingredients prepackaged foods baking e baking packaging home baking bakery franchise。
休閑零食、甜食、巧克力-SWEETS SNACKS隨著(zhù)經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展和生活水平的提高,消費者對于休閑食品數量和品質(zhì)的需求不斷上升,中國休閑食品市場(chǎng)規模在持續擴大。
with the development of economy and the improvement of living standards. consumers' demand for the and of snack foods continues to increase and the scale of China's snack food market continues to grow. Data shows that Chinas snack food industry sales are 1 143 billon yuan in 2019. Under the category csnack food. chocolates and sweets which are aisafast-moving consumer goods, have maintained a steady growth trend in the Chinese market.inter-national confectionary giants occupied an absolute dominant position in the Chinese chocolatesand sweets market and grasped the shar in the channel of supermarkets.展出類(lèi)別 糕點(diǎn) 糖果 蜜餞 餅干 核仁堅果 干果 巧克力 可可制品 豆制品 素食 果凍、果脯蜜餞 西式甜點(diǎn)派 膨化食品 肉禽類(lèi)零食 海產(chǎn)品類(lèi)零食Pastr candy candy preserved fruit biscuit kernels nuts dried fruits chocolate cocoa products bean products vegetarian fruits and vegetables jelly preserved fruit westem pie puffed food meat and poultry snacks seafood snacks.  調味品及油品-ConDIMENTS OIL近十年來(lái)全球食用植物油消費量增長(cháng)趨勢明顯,中國、歐盟、印度已然成為食用油主要消費國的前三甲。
In the past ten years, the global consumption of edible vegetable oll has been increasing signifcanty. China, the European Union and india have become the top-three consumers In 2019. China's annual consumption of edible vegetable oil ranked first in the worid, accounting for 19.06 percent of the total global consumption. with the improvement of the of life of Chinese people, the consumption of edible vegetable oil continues to grow on a large base whether in home cooking or food consumption, which further stimulates the demand scale of edible oil.展出類(lèi)別/ CAIEOORY花生油 大豆油 芝麻油 橄欖油 核桃油 杏仁油 椰子油 米糖油 亞麻油 薺藍油 山茶油 菜仔油/菜籽油 葡萄油 玉米胚芽油 小麥胚芽油 食鹽 食糖 食醋 味精 雞精 醬油 蠔油 魚(yú)露/豆鼓 調味料酒 復合調味料 西餐調味料 香辛料 火鍋底料peanut oil soybean oil sesame oil olive oil walnut oil almond oil coconut oil rice bran oil linseed oil kale oil camellia oil tea seed oil rapeseed oil sunflower oil grape seed oil corn germ oil wheatgerm oil salt sugar vinegar monosodium glutamate chicken essence soy sauce oyster sauce fish sauce fermented soybean seasoning wine compound seasoning aaa western seasoning spices hotpot base seasoning 高端食材供應鏈  HIGH-END INGREDIENTS SUPPLY CHAIN在傳統餐飲供應鏈環(huán)節中,餐企業(yè)的角色是菲常重的,配送、研發(fā)等環(huán)節都要由餐飲企業(yè)承擔,菜品生產(chǎn)、加工等步驟也在餐飲門(mén)店中執行,這就造成了供應鏈管理的各個(gè)環(huán)節難以標準化。
FHC設立專(zhuān)區將國際高端連鎖餐飲品牌的供應高邀至展會(huì )現場(chǎng),從高品質(zhì)的原料,調料,各式半成品以及成品一應俱全解決中小餐飲企業(yè)在供應鏈環(huán)節中的食材難題。
in tradifional catering supply chain, the role of catering company is very important. The distribu-tion, R D and other links would be undertaken by catering companies. The steps of food preduction and processing are ato finishing in catering siores. which makes it difficult to standardize the various inks of supply chain management. However, some leading enterprises, most of the circuiation links of food supply are participated by catering supply chain companies, which undoubtedly Pioy-t great role in promoting the scale expansion of catering enterprises FHC set up a specia area to invite the suppliers of international high-end chain catering brands to the exhibition site and soive the ingredient problem of small and medium-sized catering companies in the supply chain ink from high raw materials, spices, vanous semi-fin ished products and finished products展出類(lèi)別 即食肉制品 食品原輔料 冷凍半成品 預制菜肴 速食食品 餐飲調味品 技術(shù)類(lèi)添加劑 食品加工包裝 冷庫設備冷鏈 物流信息化服務(wù)商 成品供應鏈 園區交易市場(chǎng)ready-made meat products food raw materials frozen semi-finished ingredients pre-made dishes fast food catering condiments technical additives food processing packaging cold storage e cold chain logistics logistics network system service provider supply chain park trading market. 餐飲及智能店裝設計-CATERING INTELLIGENT STOREDESIGN的設計與營(yíng)銷(xiāo)通過(guò)洞察市場(chǎng)趨勢和消費者心理,捕捉消費者的興奮點(diǎn),從而激發(fā)其購買(mǎi)欲。
作為食品餐飲行業(yè)的風(fēng)向標,FHC致力于為相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)領(lǐng)域提供更加細致的服務(wù),特別推出的餐飲設計及店裝主題專(zhuān)區,匯集眾多餐飲設計板塊優(yōu)質(zhì)品牌,并舉辦主題高峰論壇,邀請業(yè)界領(lǐng)軍設計師齊聚一堂激蕩設計思潮,共同探討設計創(chuàng )造的價(jià)值,不斷發(fā)掘與激勵新生創(chuàng )意力量,推動(dòng)餐飲設計的變革發(fā)展。
Excellent design gains insight into market trends and consumer psychology, captures consumer's focus and stimulates their desire of purchasing). Good design helps to highlight the vatue of pxoducts. creates new possibles of best sellers and assists customers in creating vatue in the retall market. As the barometer for the food and catering industry. FHC offers more detalled services for related industries, launches catering design and store decoration, brings together multiple modules of catering design, and holds related forums tio assem- ble the best designers to exchange ther ideas. discuss the value of design, continuously explore and inspire new creative forces and promote the development of catering design 展出類(lèi)別 CATEGOR包裝設計 空間設計 軟裝設計 品牌策劃 連鎖加盟 桌面用品 視覺(jué)創(chuàng )意顯示 照明 智能系統 餐飲家具 廚房設備 店鋪安眆packing design space design oft decoration design brand planning chain franchise tablewarevisual creative display lighting intelligent system dining furniture kitchen e security。
在消費升級的大趨勢下,國內消費者對中高端飲料的需求將不斷增加,同時(shí)這意味著(zhù)自酸啤酒的發(fā)展將會(huì )快速增長(cháng)。
China's beverage industry is a newly developed industry. a hot spot and new growth point inChina's consumer products. With the changes of intensive and large scate development of the beer and beverage industry. the beer and beverage ndustries have also been adjusted accordingly. and its development has taken a new turn in China Under the general trend of consumption upgrade, domestic consumers' demand for id-to-high-end beer will increase continuously. which means the development of home- brewed beer will grow rapidly.類(lèi)別 CATCON酒花 麥芽 添加劑 防腐劑 酶制劑 酵母 高端水 碳酸飲料 功能飲料 果纛飲料 果醋飲料 固體飲料 植物蛋白料 瓶裝或袋裝含水飲料 果汁 蔬菜汁 包裝容器 加工設備hops malt additive enzyme preservative yeast high-end water carbonated drinks functional drinks fruit and vegetable drinks fruit vinegar drinks solid drinks plant protein drinks bottled or bagged water-containing drinks juice vegetable juice packaging container processing e 乳制品-DAIRY全球乳制品行業(yè)中,中國既是生產(chǎn)大國又是消費大國。
In the global dairy industry,, China is both a major producer and consumer. In recent years, Chinese dairy industry market has developed steadily and has gradually transformed into a high-end dairy product market. In addition to the factors that demand is much higher than output. Consumers re for high-end dairy products are also greatly increased, so the demand for imported products will always increasing類(lèi)別:豆奶 牛奶 羊奶 椰奶 奶油 奶酪 奶酒 奶粉 奶茶 煉乳 凍乳 乳清粉 消毒乳 發(fā)酵乳(酸乳) 乳粉 乳品添加劑 設施設備soy milk milk goat milk coconut milk cream cheese cream milk powder milk tea condensed milk frozen milk whey powder sterilized milk fermented milk (yogurt)milk powder dairy additives facility e.嬰童食品-KIDS FOOD我國嬰幼兒食品市場(chǎng)規模一直呈上升趨勢,要童產(chǎn)業(yè)是近幾年來(lái)十分熱門(mén)的一個(gè)產(chǎn)業(yè),是整個(gè)中國各行各業(yè)里面為數不多的能夠穿越整個(gè)的經(jīng)濟周期保持相對高速增長(cháng)的一個(gè)產(chǎn)業(yè)。
企業(yè)應當充分利用當前的市場(chǎng)機遇,選擇貼近市場(chǎng)的研發(fā)模式和產(chǎn)品,尋找細分市場(chǎng)的機會(huì ),力爭迅速成長(cháng)為業(yè)內獨具特色的行業(yè)。
The scale of kids food market has been on the rise in China. Kids industry is very popular in recentyears, and it is one of the few industries in china that can maintain relatively high growth throughthe whole economic cycle Despite the fierce competition in the food and beverage industry, this industry has a lot of development opportunities, especially the complementary food market which is still in the transition period with huge development potential. Enterprises should make full use of the current market opportunities, choosing the best way to the market research and development mode and products.looking for market segment opportunities and string to grow into a unique industry leader.展出類(lèi)別/ CAIGOY 奶粉 休閑食品 輔食 保健及營(yíng)養品 奶粉 零食 藥品 原輔料 天然及 天然及有機飲品 營(yíng)養品 素食產(chǎn)品 天然及有機調味 天然及有機用品 特色產(chǎn)品milk powder snack food supplementary food health and nutrition products milk powder snacks pharmaceuticals raw matenals natural and organic food natural and organic drinks nutrition vegetarian products natural and organic seasoning natural and organic products featured products 外賣(mài)產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈及包裝-FOOD DELIVERY CHAIN近年來(lái),隨著(zhù)生活、工作節奏的加快,外賣(mài)送餐、已經(jīng)成為解決一日三餐的重要途徑。
FHC展會(huì )外賣(mài)板塊迅猛發(fā)展、配有千人外賣(mài)產(chǎn)業(yè)主題論壇及大型外賣(mài)產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈展區,向產(chǎn)業(yè)前端精英提供把握行業(yè)脈搏、獲取創(chuàng )新解決方案、建立溝通與合作的途徑。
In recent years, takeaway delivery has become an important way to solve the problem of three meats a day with the acceleration of life and work rhythm. Food and beverage takeaways arebecoming a new trend in the future development of c altering and a hot spot or gold mining. Thesector of takeaway in FHC exhibition has developed rapidly. There is a thousand takeaway industry theme forum and large area of takeaway industry chain, which provide good solution to grasp the pulse of the industry, access to innovative solutions, establish communication and coop-oration.展出類(lèi)別/ CATEGORY快餐外賣(mài)食材餐飲配送團餐盒品中央廚房鋁箔餐盒快餐包裝可降解快餐盒 快餐具保溫盒外賣(mài)包裝機封口機加熱殺菌設備fast food takeaway ingredients food and beverage distribution group food central kitchenaluminum foil lunch box fast food packaging biodegradable fast food box fast food cutleryinsulation box takeaway packer sealerheating sterilization e. 上海FHC報名參展程序:①填寫(xiě)參展商信息補充列表、與報名參展名稱(chēng)一致的營(yíng)業(yè)執照②招展單位審核③選擇展位、安排展位④招展單位發(fā)出“展臺合同”確認參展資格蓋章回傳⑤付款發(fā)出參展商手冊。
注:請自覺(jué)提供營(yíng)業(yè)執照(用做審核)和展商信息(用做填寫(xiě)合同信息):公司名稱(chēng)的中文和英文、公司地址、展臺負責人、職銜、、傳真、電郵、產(chǎn)品、品牌、國家Welcome TO上海博華國際展覽有限公司 觀(guān)展必備1  口罩2  觀(guān)眾預登記成功條碼/二維碼3  上海地區健康碼“隨申碼”4  身份證或護照/港澳通行證/臺胞證原件

井冈山市| 龙江县| 天峻县| 阿瓦提县| 龙门县| 邹平县| 耿马| 通州市| 平果县| 西宁市| 高清| 大城县| 阳曲县| 股票| 革吉县| 揭阳市| 定安县| 岑溪市| 绍兴县| 乌什县| 威海市| 吴旗县| 太仆寺旗| 石门县| 称多县| 玉龙| 军事| 黎平县| 仁寿县| 昭觉县| 中方县| 德化县| 丹东市| 镇安县| 桓台县| 达尔| 浦江县| 驻马店市| 南丹县| 贵溪市| 铁力市|