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品牌: Trojan,駱駝,US,火箭rocket,理士
型號: 3-DG-180(3-EV-160)
單價(jià): 715.00元/只
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 廣東 廣州
有效期至: 長(cháng)期有效
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-12-20 00:00
最后更新: 2023-12-20 00:00
瀏覽次數: 117

3-DG-180(3-EV-160)電動(dòng)車(chē)蓄電池,屬于觀(guān)光車(chē)、游覽車(chē)、巡邏車(chē)專(zhuān)用電瓶,6V的電壓,180AH的容量,可選火炬蓄電池、駱駝蓄電池、邱健Trojan等品牌作為主機動(dòng)力來(lái)源,電動(dòng)觀(guān)光車(chē)蓄電池的正極板是由板柵和活性物質(zhì)組成的.在蓄電池反復的充放電循環(huán)過(guò)程中,隨著(zhù)極板上下不同物質(zhì)的交替變換,將會(huì )使極板空率逐漸下降,在外觀(guān)表現上,則是正極板的表面由開(kāi)始的堅實(shí)逐漸的松軟直到變成糊狀,活性物質(zhì)容易脫落,形成“黑水”,這就是所謂的正極板軟化。電動(dòng)觀(guān)光車(chē)蓄電池經(jīng)常大電流充放電、過(guò)放電都會(huì )加劇極板軟化。蓄電池次加入的電解液,應高于極板15~20mm。在使用的過(guò)程中,只補充去離子水或蒸餾水,不能再補充含有硫酸的電解液。電解液在蓄電池的使用中,其中的硫酸并不消耗,散失掉的只是其中的水分。補充水分必須在充電前進(jìn)行,充電停止后補充水會(huì )加速電池的自放電。對電動(dòng)觀(guān)光車(chē)蓄電池的次充電,初充電一定要充足。初充電不足會(huì )使蓄電池的結構容量發(fā)生部分硫化,導致蓄電池性能下降。用恒定電流充電是保障充足的必要條件。用恒流充入的電量應不少于標稱(chēng)容量的2倍。3-DG-180(3-EV-160)蓄電池是廣州貝朗斯銷(xiāo)量比較多的型號,性能穩定。蓄電池在高溫季節使用時(shí),主要存在過(guò)充電的問(wèn)題。這是因為蓄電池溫度升高時(shí),各活性物質(zhì)的活性增加,正極析氧電位下降,負極析氧電位也下降(負值下降)。因此充電時(shí)充電反應速度快,充電電流大,需要的充電電壓較低,為防止過(guò)高的充電電壓,故此應盡量降低蓄電池溫度,保證良好散熱,防止在烈日曝曬后即充電,并應遠離熱源。蓄電池在低溫情況下,各活性物質(zhì)的活度降低,其電極板上鉛的溶解變得困難,致使充電時(shí)消耗鉛后很難得到補充,因而充電電流大幅度下降。正極板在-20℃時(shí)充電接受電流僅為常溫時(shí)的70%,而負極板充電受膨脹劑的影響,低溫充電接受能力更低,-20℃時(shí)的充電接受電流僅為常溫下的40%。因此低溫條件下,充電主要存在充電接受能力差、充電不足的問(wèn)題,故此,應提高充電電壓并適當延長(cháng)充電時(shí)間。實(shí)踐證明,改善蓄電池低溫性能主要應從負極板著(zhù)手。低溫使用時(shí)對蓄電池應采取保溫防凍措施,特別是充電時(shí)應放在溫暖的環(huán)境中,以有利于保證充足電,防止不可逆硫酸鹽的產(chǎn)生,延長(cháng)蓄電池的使用壽命。鉛酸蓄電池保證有一定使用壽命的技術(shù)指標,是在環(huán)境溫度為25℃時(shí)給出的。由于單體鉛酸蓄電池電壓具有溫度每上升l℃下降約4mV的特性,那么一個(gè)由6個(gè)單格蓄電池串聯(lián)組成的12V蓄電池.25℃時(shí)的浮充電壓為l3.5V。當環(huán)境溫度降為0℃時(shí),浮充電壓應為14.lV;當環(huán)境溫度升至40℃時(shí),浮充電壓應為13.14V。與此同時(shí),鉛酸蓄電池還有一個(gè)特性,即當環(huán)境溫度一定時(shí),充電電壓比要求的電壓高lOOmV,充電電流將增大數倍,因此,將導致蓄電池熱失控和過(guò)充損壞。但是當充電電壓比要求電壓低1OOmV時(shí),則又會(huì )使蓄電池因充電不足而早期損壞。另外,鉛酸蓄電池的容量也和溫度有關(guān)。通常是溫度每降低1℃,容量將下降1%。所以有的車(chē)輛使用說(shuō)明書(shū)規定,使用者在夏天蓄電池放出額定容量的50%,冬天放出25%后就應及時(shí)充電。一個(gè)實(shí)際情況是日常使用的鉛酸蓄電池不可能長(cháng)期處在25℃的環(huán)境中。因此目前銷(xiāo)售市場(chǎng)上普遍使用的各種晶閘管整流型、變壓器降壓整流型以及一般的開(kāi)關(guān)穩壓電源型鉛酸蓄電池充電機。由于多為以恒壓或恒流方式對蓄電池進(jìn)行充電,因而是無(wú)法達到鉛酸蓄電池補充充電所需要滿(mǎn)足的技術(shù)條件,故此,鉛酸蓄電池出現硫化現象不可避免。3-DG-180  (3-EV-160) electric vehicle battery, belonging to the tour bus, tour  bus, Patrol Special car battery, 6V voltage, 180AH capacity, optional  torch battery, camel storage battery and Qiu Jian Trojan brand as the  host power source, electric sightseeing car battery positive plate is  composed of grid and active material. In the battery again the charge  discharge cycle process, with alternating different material on the  plate, the plate will make the air rate gradually decreased, in  appearance, is the surface of the positive plate from the beginning of  the solid gradually until it becomes soft paste, active material easy to  fall off, the formation of "black water", this is the so-called  positive plate softening. Electric sightseeing car battery often high  current charge discharge, over discharge will increase the plate  softening. The electrolyte for the first time should be higher than the  plate 15~20mm. In the process of using, only deionized water or  distilled water can be added, and the electrolyte containing sulfuric  acid can no longer be added. Electrolyte in the use of the battery, the  sulfuric acid is not consumed, lost only one of the water. Added water  must be carried out before charging, recharge after the water will  accelerate the battery self discharge. Electric sightseeing car battery  for the first time, the initial charge must be sufficient. Lack of  initial charge will make the battery capacity of the structure of  partial sulfide, resulting in decreased battery performance. Charging  with constant current is a necessary condition for adequate protection.  Constant current charge should be no less than 2 times the nominal  capacity. 3-DG-180 (3-EV-160) battery is Guangzhou Bei lens more sales  model, stable performance. When the battery is used in the high  temperature season, the main problem of overcharge. This is because when  the battery temperature increases, the activity of the active  substances increases, the oxygen evolution potential decreases, and the  oxygen evolution potential of the negative electrode decreases.  Therefore, when charging the charging reaction speed, charging current,  charging voltage is lower, in order to prevent the charging voltage is  too high, so we should try to reduce the battery temperature, to ensure  good heat dissipation, to prevent charging in the sun, and should be  kept away from heat. Under the condition of low temperature, the  activity of each active material is reduced, and the dissolution of lead  on the electrode plate becomes difficult, so it is difficult to get the  lead after charging. When the positive plate is charged at 20 DEG C,  the charging current is only about the same as that at normal  temperature, while the negative plate charge is affected by the  expansion agent, and the low temperature charging acceptance ability is  lower, and the charging current at the temperature of 20 DEG C is only  about the same as that of the normal temperature at the temperature of  40%. Therefore, under low temperature conditions, the main charge of the  charging capacity is poor, the problem of insufficient charging,  therefore, should increase the charging voltage and the appropriate  extension of the charging time. Practice has proved that the improvement  of the low temperature performance of the battery should start from the  negative plate. The battery should be taken when using low temperature  insulation antifreezing measures, especially the charge should be placed  in a warm environment, in order to ensure adequate electricity, prevent  irreversible sulfate production, prolong the service life of the  battery. Lead acid battery has a certain service life of the technical  indicators, the environmental temperature is 25 degrees. Because of the  characteristics of single lead-acid battery voltage with temperature  rise l degrees decreased about 4mV, then a 6 cell battery composed of.25  12V Series C when the floating voltage is l3.5V. When the ambient  temperature is reduced to 0 DEG C, float voltage should be 14.lV; when  the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius, the floating voltage should  be 13.14V. At the same time, the lead-acid battery has a characteristic,  that is when the environment temperature, the charging voltage higher  than lOOmV voltage re, charging current will increase several  times. Therefore, the battery will lead to thermal runaway and  overcharge damage. However, when the charging voltage is lower than the  required voltage 1OOmV, the battery will be damaged due to lack of  charge and early damage. In addition, the capacity of lead-acid  batteries and temperature. Usually the temperature decreases by 1  degrees C, the capacity will drop by 1%. Therefore, some of the  provisions of the vehicle manual, the user in the summer of 50% of the  rated capacity of the battery release, after the release of the winter  should be charged in 25%. A practical case is the daily use of lead-acid  batteries can not be long-term in 25 degrees Celsius environment.  Therefore, the current market widely used in a variety of thyristor  rectifier, transformer step-down rectifier and the general switching  power supply type lead-acid battery charger. Due to constant voltage or  constant current charging mode of battery, so it is unable to achieve  the lead-acid battery charging technology needed to meet the conditions,  therefore, the lead-acid battery vulcanized inevitable phenomenon.

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